Welcome to a special episode of Infendo Radio! You may have heard: myself and the rest of the Infendo Radio crew have been trying to meet up online regularly for game nights. It's been several weeks in the making, but we finally managed to get a special episode out of it! In our first game night special, Lewis Pugh, Colin Crompton, and myself play Super Smash Bros. 3DS and discuss topics ranging from Luigi to final smashes to Pokemon. I must say, I had a blast editing this edition of the podcast, so I hope you enjoy listening to all the crazy hijinks we get up to!

It may be a special episode of the podcast, but the same rules apply: we would love to know of any comments or questions that come to your mind while listening! Leave a comment below this post if you're in your browser, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Feel free to also let us know what you think of the chaotic game night structure; are you interested in hearing more in the future? Thanks and...

Enjoy the show!

Click here to listen to the show on your Wii U!