So here's the thing. The Wifi is terrible at E3. For that matter the Wifi is terrible in Canada as well (sorry Marcus!). For those reasons and a few others, our podcast was truncated this week, and we actually lost 10-15 minutes of the show. Sorry! Doesn't mean that is still there isn't excellent however! Think of it as cutting off the fat on an excellent piece of steak maybe.

In any case, when the episode does pick up, we will be talking about Nintendo Land, so dive right in and enjoy the show!

Be sure send us in your comments and questions to [email protected] if you wish to be a part of the show. You can also follow Essel, Harrison and I on Twitter at @EsselPratt, @hmilfeld, @Verius and @Infendo_Eugene, respectively. Thank you all for listening in, and enjoy the show!