Monday's are always a drag. Just when you finally complete your honey-do list for the weekend and finally get some much deserved R&R, BOOOM! Here that bitch Monday comes to ruin a perfectly good time. Well no more. Introducing: INFENDO RADIO! Even better yet, it's on now!
This week we discuss the freshly released ARMS Nintendo direct, play a game of Nintentunes, and even talk about *gasp* Sonic.
Infendo Radio records every Wednesday night at 8:30 EST. Be sure to join us live, and please subscribe to our YouTube Channel! We would love for your voice to be heard on the show even if you can't join us live, so hit us up! Tweet us @infendo, or shoot an email to [email protected].
Section Breakdown
Zelda Smartphone - 2:15
Create-a-Sonic - 11:54
NEW 2DS XL- 23:34
ARMS Direct - 18:52
Nintentunes - 40:52
Infendo Change the System - 1:10:29
Infendo Radio Live Stream
Pokemon Trainer Verdant