Well we did it. We have successfully hosted two consecutive shows with five hosts, and didn't manage to blow anything up. Quite the accomplishment if we do say so ourselves. We hope you enjoy watching trains crash, because Infendo Radio is on now!
This week we talk all about the recent SNES mini rumors, we talk about money and the Pokémon, we touch on Switch sales and scarcity, and play a round of Nintentunes!
We would love for your voice to be heard on the show, so hit us up! Tweet us @infendo, or shoot an email to [email protected].
Section Breakdown
Hey! Pikmin - 1:49
SNES Mini - 8:51
Pac-Man Maker - 18:37
Pokémon Company Sales - 25:34
Switch Sales - 31:06
Nintentunes - 47:13
Infendo Change Zelda the System - 1:13:24
Infendo Change the System - 1:34:47
Darkwing Duck - Quarter Jack Stage
Animal Crossing - K.K. Cruisin' (Aircheck)
Castlevania Circle of the Moon - Aquarius
Contra 3: The Alien Wars - Tearing Up the Turnpike
Chrono Trigger - The Hidden Truth
Yoshi's Story - Tough Guys Don't Cry
Banjo-Kazooie - Grunty's Furnace Fun
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - The Goddess Appears
Earthbound - Hospital
Pokemon Trainer Verdant