This episode of Infamous Duo Podcast we discuss if people can still be friends with a Trump supporter. PastorT was not able to be on this episode he was out sick, not from the Covid-19. Matt had one of his best friends on Jorge. Jorge really does not like Trump at all. The point of this episode was to show that even though people like Trump it shouldnt ever hurt friendships. People all like different things, and we just have to agree to disagree sometimes. 

We also talk about the protest, and the riots that are going on. Also if anything should have broken our friendship its the Kobe vs Lebron debate lol. 

 Thank you for listening to our podcast. You can listen to us on many platforms. 
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Our goal is to go into each podcast with open mind and talk through things to try to understand both sides. 
We enjoy having a conversation while keeping it calm and clean. 

If you would like to be on the podcast contact us on our website @ Also you have anything you want to add, or questions about anything
we can try to answer those on the podcast. 

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Twitter- @infamousduo_m

TAGS- #infamousduo, #infamousduopodcast, #openmind