Ray Grenfell returns to the studio for a new edition of Indymedia!

As the COP27 summit comes to a close, friend of Indymedia Andy Payne reports on the ongoing climate emergency facing Australia and the globe. He spoke with [Dr Simon Bradshaw](https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/author/simon-bradshawclimatecouncil-org-au/)from the [Climate Council](https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/) to discuss his trip to Egypt for this year's conference.

Ray learns more about [The Commons Social Change Library](https://commonslibrary.org/), a community hub based in Naarm (Melbourne) with over 1000 educational resources in a range of formats covering campaign strategy and organising for social justice groups, creative activism and much more.

Plus, catch up on the news headlines the mainstream media missed.