Joni Boyd and Brent return to host Indymedia toward the later end of January.

First up, Jeremy Perey the Vice President of [Jarrahdale Forrest Protectors ]( on the implications tied to Alcoa's continued deforestation campaigns to expand their Bauxite mining operations across the Jarrahdale Forest despite the WA Government's recent ban on logging & foresting.

Next, Marianne Yoorgabilya Mackay highlights procedural information regarding the [Perth Invasion Day 2022]( ceremony and how to get involved.

Later onwards, [Jesse Noakes]( who is a Writer/Campaigner for [House The Homeless](, joins the station to report upon the rundown of the ['Fremantle Tent City']( situation, including COVID-19 vaccination rates amongst those who are homeless.

Edited by Jordan Alabakis