Growing grapes in the desert, an exit interview with the Washoe County School District superintendent and abortion laws in Nevada. This week host Joey Lovato has a story about growing grapes for wine in Nevada and why the industry may be poised for growth. After that, reporter Rocío Hernández and assistant editor Jackie Valley interview …

Growing grapes in the desert, an exit interview with the Washoe County School District superintendent and abortion laws in Nevada.

This week host Joey Lovato has a story about growing grapes for wine in Nevada and why the industry may be poised for growth. After that, reporter Rocío Hernández and assistant editor Jackie Valley interview the outgoing superintendent of the Washoe County School District, Kristen McNeill. At the end of the show, reporters Humberto Sanchez and Tabitha Mueller talk about the U.S. Supreme Court possibly overturning  Roe v. Wade and what that means for abortions in Nevada.


Joey Lovato - @Joey_Lovato_

Jacob Solis - @jacobsolisnv


0:45 - Wine in the desert

Stuart Michelle -

Kathleen Russell -

Grant Cramer -

14:15 - WCSD Superintendent

Kristin McNeill - @WashoeSchools

Rocío Hernández - @rociohzz

Jackie Valley - @JackieValley

23:00 - Abortions in Nevada

Humberto Sanchez - @hsanchez128

Tabitha Mueller - @tabitha_mueller

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