There are many concerns about the residential real estate market in 2022. So many industries have been hit terribly this year, but residential real estate remains skeptically strong. What does this mean for real estate investing next year?

To unpack the uncertainty, opportunities, and volatility anticipated in the year ahead, BiggerPockets CEO Scott Trench will be joining CIVIC CEO Bill Tessar for optimal investing approaches.

During this episode you can expect answers to the top-of-mind questions being asked by real estate investors today:

• What trends are anticipated for real estate investing in 2022?
• How will inventory change, and what opportunities will this create?
• How to build financial stability that withstands times of economic uncertainty?

Through research and experience, Scott has helped thousands of real estate investors achieve financial freedom as a best-selling author, podcast host, and true real estate maven. With expert insights on the future of the market, he'll be sharing his findings on the money-making opportunities that will surface in 2022.

If there's ever been a time to prepare for shifts in the market, this is it.