Welcome back to another episode! Today on the podcast we welcome our good friend, Amanda Grey to chat about her life and how she balances motherhood, marriage, business, and personal goals. Our guest has tons of great wisdom and life lessons to share that are both unique and also relatable.

We chat about Amanda’s kids, being a stay at home mom, and managing to make time for family and a partner in a full schedule. Amanda expands on how naturally the responsibilities of motherhood came to her and her husband balance relationship and business decisions.

Amanda is a great example of someone living an old school life but in a way that perfectly suited to her and her family’s needs and we love her for that! She gives us great inspiration on the topics of patience, communication, and self-growth, all vital areas for a fulfilling life!

For a beautiful chat with a dear friend, be sure to tune in!

Questions From This Episode:

What are the ages of your kids? (03:44)

Did you always know you wanted to be a stay at home mom? (06:16)

How do you and your husband make time for each other? (15:50)

How are you able to build a family team and work together? (26:25)

When did you learn to keep perspective and patience in mind? (28:35)

When did GTS start? (32:52)

What is the division of labor at GTS? (38:02)

How has the business evolved and grown from strength to strength? (42:50)

What media are you obsessed with at the moment? (56:20)


“I think if you are a business owners wife, things are just different.” — Amanda Grey [0:14:38.3]

“We had to make sure that everything was working together and that’s not something that came overnight.” — Amanda Grey [0:18:39.2]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Present Over Perfect — https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27840585-present-over-perfect

Laura Ingalls Wilder — http://littlehouseontheprairie.com/in-search-of-laura-about-laura-ingalls-wilder/

Industrial Tradition — https://industrialtradition.com/

Industrial Tradition on Youtube — https://www.youtube.com/c/austinandkayla

Industrial Tradition on Twitter — https://twitter.com/industrial_trad

Industrial Tradition on Instagram —https://www.instagram.com/industrial_tradition/

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