IVPodcast 85 - Blackfoot Woman and her Dog

We're stoked to be back in time for the new season! As spring creates and wakes up in the North, we're happy to be working on our upcoming summer projects. After a week of training one of the newest members of the IV team; iitoōmaamaa”kaa (leader/one we follow aka trailblazer) aka Oreo, Souta shares her exciting new companion on episode 85 and what they'll be up to in Blackfoot territory.

Cultural Humility Training May 2023!

3rd Line Hockey Tournament - join us in Vegas this April 7 -9: HERE!

Learn more about Cultural Humility: https://www.indigenousvision.org/culturalhumility

Submit a report to our Citizens Science Project here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfMfsPtQrkj19GpLk1eVQKlY1-xOFc50FmOXQFbHVe-wpDuYg/viewform

MMIW Warriors:

Donate to Indigenous Vision: https://www.indigenousvision.org/donate

Learn about us here: https://www.indigenousvision.org/
Follow Souta: @lastwarcry on TikTok
Indigenous Vision on IG: @indigenousvisionmedia

The IV Podcast is hosted by Indigenous Vision's Executive Director Souta Calling Last (Blackfoot) and produced by co-host Melissa Spence (Anishinaabe).