​It's no secret that we here at Indie Luchador love indie games. It's also not a secret that we love wrestling AND luchadors. Hell, let's just say it- we love Guacamelee. So what did Jovan st. Lawrence and Eric Lee Lewis do? They sat down and had a chat with Augusto Quijano from Drinkbox to speak about Guacamelee and other possible future projects. A possible Guacamelee 2?

It's no secret that we here at Indie Luchador love indie games. It's also not a secret that we love wrestling AND luchadors. Hell, let's just say it- we love Guacamelee. So what did Jovan St. Lawrence and Eric Lee Lewis do? They sat down and had a chat with Augusto Quijano from Drinkbox to speak about Guacamelee and other possible future projects. A possible Guacamelee 2?