In an interesting turn of events Eric Lee Lewis sits down with Craig Hubbard of Blackpowder Games to speak about his time working on F.E.A.R., the legendary Blood, No One Lives Forever, and Betrayer. These two guys speak about how Betrayer moved from being a colorful game to being a first-person shooter with a black and white color palette. They also speak about the evolution of Kickstarter, as well as other topics like how money and time restraints left them making a more minimalist first-person game. It's a very interesting interview, and one that any game developer can learn from.

In an interesting turn of events Eric Lee Lewis sits down with Craig Hubbard of Blackpowder Games to speak about his time working on F.E.A.R., the legendary Blood, No One Lives Forever, and Betrayer. 

These two guys speak about how Betrayer moved from being a colorful game to being a first-person shooter with a black and white color palette. They also speak about the evolution of Kickstarter, as well as other topics like how money and time restraints left them making a more minimalist first-person game. 

It's a very interesting interview, and one that any game developer can learn from. 

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