WHAT'S THAT!? INTRO MUSIC!!!??? FROM AN ACTUAL BAND!?!!!111! Yep, that's Fucking Werewolf Asso. Dennis Wedin's band. And FWA will open the show every time a new podcast comes out from Indie Luchador. After an amazing PAX East, Eric felt inspired to sit down with some of his favorite game developers that could inspire others to get into the games industry. The first developer he thought of was Dennis Wedin of Dennaton (Hotline Miami). Dennis didn't start out with ambitions of making Eric's favorite game franchise. Instead Dennis just wanted to make some of the coolest music known to man and build a game based around it. Dennis and Eric sit down to talk about Dennis' band, Fucking Werewolf Asso. and how he decided that a game needed to be made to encapsulate the sound, Dennis' life in music, what comes next for Dennaton, and that Hotline Miami 3 game menu at the end of Hotline Miami 2. Have fun listening. It's a pleasure and an honor to come back with one of the greatest guests an interviewer could ask for.

WHAT'S THAT!? INTRO MUSIC!!!??? FROM AN ACTUAL BAND!?!!!111! Yep, that's Fucking Werewolf Asso. Dennis Wedin's band. And FWA will open the show every time a new podcast comes out from Indie Luchador. 

After an amazing PAX East, Eric felt inspired to sit down with some of his favorite game developers that could inspire others to get into the games industry. The first developer he thought of was Dennis Wedin of Dennaton (Hotline Miami).

Dennis didn't start out with ambitions of making Eric's favorite game franchise. Instead Dennis just wanted to make some of the coolest music known to man and build a game based around it. 

Dennis and Eric sit down to talk about Dennis' band, Fucking Werewolf Asso. and how he decided that a game needed to be made to encapsulate the sound, Dennis' life in music, what comes next for Dennaton, and <SPOILER ALERT> that Hotline Miami 3 game menu at the end of Hotline Miami 2.

Have fun listening. It's a pleasure and an honor to come back with one of the greatest guests an interviewer could ask for.

Dennis' Twitter: @dpunktw

Fucking Werewolf Asso. BandCamp: https://fwamusic.bandcamp.com/
Dennaton Twitter: @dennaton

Follow me on Twitter @IndieLuchador

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