So I'm conducting an experiment. Can the IFH Tribe and I get some of the most amazing filmmakers in history on the IFH Podcast? Well, let's see if we can make that dream come true. There is a list of filmmakers and screenwriters I would love to have as guests on the show. This list is pretty ambitious but hell if you are going to dream DREAM BIG. 

If anyone out in the Indie Film Hustle Tribe knows or has a way to contact any of these amazing filmmakers please email me at [email protected] 

I know this might be a pipe dream but wouldn't it be astonishing if one or more of these filmmakers actually came on the show to share their filmmaking and/or screenwriting knowledge? I want to prove to everyone listening that if you want your dream to come true then you need to put it out into the universe and have the courage to do so. 

Like I said, this is just an experiment but man wouldn't be cool? Here's my humble list.

Dream Directing Guests

Robert Rodriguez
Quentin Tarantino
Steven Spielberg
James Cameron
Martin Scorsese
David Fincher
Christopher Nolan
Kevin Smith
PT Anderson
Francis Ford Coppola
Steven Soderbergh
George Lucas
Guillermo del Torro
JJ Abrams
Ron Howard
Spike Lee
David Lynch
Richard Linklater
Mark and Jay Duplass
Lena Dunham
Tim Burton
Mel Brooks
Dream Screenwriting Guests

Aaron Sorkin
Joss Whedon
Shane Black
Robert McKee
Dream Producer Guests

Robert Evans
Jerry Bruckheimer
Gale Anne Hurd
Kathleen Kennedy
Frank Marshall
Brain Grazier
I know there are so many other amazing filmmakers out there that I would love to have on the show so the faster we can fill this list up the faster I can come up with the next list. LOL.

Email me at [email protected] if you have the ability to reach any of these guests. 

Please share on social media and help get the word out. Thank you for your help IFH Tribe. Let's see what happens = )

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