This episode of Indie Author Weekly features 5 practical tips for how you can find the time to market your books. 

After all, writing your books is one thing… but it’s not enough to just publish it. There’s a whole other side to being an indie author, and that is marketing. 

Frankly, this is something I’ve noticed come up again and again in my business journey. People often talk about the joy of the craft, but what they don’t tell you is that in the beginning especially, you have to put in a huge proportion of your time and energy into marketing, whether your business relies on services or physical products or digital products. 

But you love the craft of it, right? You don’t want to spend all your time marketing your books. You started writing books because you enjoy it. Marketing seems like a scary prospect, or maybe you even think of “selling” as a dirty word. 

It doesn’t need to be! In fact, last year, I went through a complete attitude adjustment around marketing in general for my business. Nowadays, I actually look at “marketing” as “just another form of content creation.” And that makes me happy! This simple act of reframing my approach to marketing has made it a much more enjoyable experience, and I’d also argue that I’ve gotten better at marketing as a result. 

Does it still take time? Yes, absolutely. But because I enjoy it now, it doesn’t exhaust me the same way it used to. And that is extremely powerful, because it means that I can do more effective marketing in less time, while still having the creative capacity and bandwidth leftover to do other things—such as writing books. 

If you’re curious to learn more about this entire concept and how to apply it to your own situation, then I recommend you check out my signature program, Productivity Powerhouse, which teaches you exactly how to do all of that. You can learn more at I’ll drop the link in the show notes.  

TUNE IN to this episode for 5 actionable ways you can find the time to market your books! 

Resources & links mentioned in this episode:  

Learn more about all of Sagan's books at .Productivity Powerhouse to save time, reframe your approach, increase your creative capacity for writing books, and more: Planoly for planning & scheduling your Instagram "bookstagram" posts:  The Business of Writing & Editing e-book: into Indie Author Weekly on your favourite podcast platform at .Rate & review this podcast on iTunes .

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