Learn why vulnerability matters so much, 9 examples for how you can embrace vulnerability in your own author career, and why every writer needs to get comfortable with the discomfort of being "bad" at their work in the beginning...

Any time that we create content, we are uncovering a piece of ourselves. We are sharing something of ourselves through that creative process. And so, when we then share that creative work with the world, we are essentially allowing other people to have a peek into our psyche and innermost thoughts.  

This is especially true for writing fiction. That’s not to say that we agree with everything our characters say or do, for example, because let’s remember that they are their own people with their own individual wants and needs—but even so, everything we write contains some element of ourselves by the very nature of the creative process.  

... and that can be a very vulnerable thing!  

The difference between fiction and non-fiction also gets interesting because when we are writing non-fiction, we are “telling it like it is,” through our perspective. We are creating through our own lens, but it is grounded in reality. Fiction, on the other hand, shares a much deeper part of ourselves because it is rooted in the imagination.  

Basically, there’s a lot of newness and a big learning curve anytime we start something that we haven’t really explored before! A lot of vulnerability. At the end of the day, I think we can all agree that any type of creation or trying something new has the potential to be an act of vulnerability.  

Is that a bad thing? Not at all.  

In fact, now that it’s the new year, and you might be thinking about goals you want to accomplish or resolutions you want to stick to, this is a great time to embrace vulnerability as a content creator.  

TUNE IN to this week's episode of Indie Author Weekly to find out why vulnerability matters, 9 examples for how to embrace vulnerability as an author, and why it's (more than!) okay to be bad at something in the beginning of a new project...  

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