In this Episode, I (@Jivraj Singh Sachar) speak with Prasad Kompalli, Co-founder & CEO of mfine.

mfine is an on-demand healthcare service that provides its users access to virtual consultations and connected care programmes from the different hospitals, in the country. To make this possible, the company has partnered with leading and trusted hospitals instead of aggregating individual doctors.

Through the Episode we discuss the following:

1. (2:35) : Understanding the Healthcare problem of India

2. (7:49) : How is mfine solving for the prevalent Problems?

3. (13:00) : The fundamentally technology bet by mfine --> Healthcare 2.0

4. (22:25) : The 1-10 Journey of mfine // Prioritising - Focus - Scale 

5. (30:07) : How to build a great team in Healthcare? --> How does mfine get Doctors across the board in the team!!

6. (37:01) : The importance of Empathy & How mfine inculcates it within the org!?

7. (40:50) : What are some of major challenges and pitfalls during this mountain hill of a journey for mfine?

8. (45:18) : How have Prasad's earlier experiences of being a part of SAP --> Starting Up --> Scaling Up Myntra, shaped his Founder Ideology with mfine?

9. (49:58) : What is the core motivation behind Prasad's passion to build?

10. (53:26) : Prasad's top 3 Entrepreneurial Learnings 

11. (57:56) : Conclusion

Here is the 65th Episode of the Indian Silicon Valley Podcast -  Healthcare 2.0!

That was it from this Episode, thanks again for tuning in! :)

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"If you never try, you never know"

Stay Tuned,

Keep Building.

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