In this Episode, I (@Jivraj Singh Sachar) speak with Chirag Gander, Co-Founder of The Minimalist.

The Minimalist is a design and digital consultancy with 3 core business areas: - 1. Branding and Communication, 2. Interaction design and 3. Digital Marketing. They work with over 200 brands, including the likes of Coca-Cola, MTV, Cipla, ICICI Prudential, Airtel, Blue Star, HCL and multiple other startups. They are best known for their unique minimalist creative philosophies and viral impact on digital media which has spawned a cult following of over 200,000 people.

Chirag Gander is one of the most creative, observant and inventive people out there. An Engineer by education, both Chirag and Sahil (Co-founder, The Minimalist), graduated from IIT Bombay in 2015, which is also the year when they started The Minimalist as a Passion Project on Social Media. The perfect amalgamation of technology and design, the perfect intermingling of the right brain and the left brain, resulted in the unique proposition of a creative solutions company, which has certainly come a long way since.  

Through the Episode, we discuss the following:

1. (3:03) : Follow Your Passion - The Double-Edged Sword

2. (7:43) : Understanding the Relevance of Design in the Ecosystem

3. (11:31) : The Design Process (BUDV - Business User Design Validation)

4. (16:02) : Decoding Virality

5. (20:15) : The 0 to 1 for The Minamlist 

6. (27:08) : Building a Lasting - Loving Community 

7. (30:22) : Working with Corporates

8. (35:03) : The Do NOT's for Marketing by Early Stage Founders  

9. (41:05) : Understand the Stage when Marketing takes Priority

10. (46:15) : The secret to Chirag's creativity & inventiveness

11. (51:17) : Chirag's Founder Persona & Decision Making Framework

12. (57:42) : The Qualitative Learnings of being a Founder

13. (60:58) : Summary

Here is the 33rd Episode of the Indian Silicon Valley Podcast - The Road to Inventiveness!

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"If you never try, you never know"

Stay Tuned,

Keep Building.