In this Episode, I speak with the Mr. Amit Gupta, CEO and Co-founder of Yulu. 

Tune in as the seasoned entrepreneur personifies the Hunger to Innovate! Through the Amit answers some key Questions - 

1. How the Ecosystem has evolved over the years and how there is greater resource availability⠀ 

2. What motivated him to start the 2nd chapter of his story with Yulu 

3. What's the secret sauce with bringing an innovative product into the market 

4. What are some of the downfalls of being the first mover⠀ 

5. What to keep in mind as Entrepreneur.⠀ 

Tune in to find out! 

This Episode is brought to you in association with the Entrepreneurship Cell of IIT Patna!⠀ ⠀ 

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