Independent Thought is joining with Counterpoint Politics & Cocktails and Capitalism to create a brand new show. Firstly, yes, Independent Thought is still going to continue, this is an additional show that I'll be a part of. It's a weekly show, geared towards discussing major news stories with other content creators on the Left. We have a brand new YouTube channel where you can find all of these episodes, but I also wanted to release a few of our older episodes on the podcast. To see our latest episodes, head to the YouTube link below. Also, for those of you on Apple & Spotify, there are videos attached to these episodes! So you should be able to watch the video as well.

Jordan Neely was killed in the New York City subway after a Marine put him into a chokehold for several minutes. Prior to the attack, Neely was described to be yelling on the train about being hungry. His death has sparked a national debate around whether or not the Marine was justified in choking Neely to subdue him. We discuss the merit's of that argument

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