Laurie Morse is the author of “Reverse Heart Disease Naturally: The Woman’s Guide to Not Die Before Your Time. She’s devoted the last 30yrs of her life supporting Health and Wholeness thru Natural Medicine and Creative Healing. Laurie Morse has a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is the Director of Holistic Health Services in San Diego, California...a 25 year private practice dedicated to supporting Wholeness (however imperfect), through natural medicine.  She weaves various combinations of energy medicine, acupuncture, herbal therapy, hormone therapy, nutritional therapy, together with spiritual disciplines, Quantum Qi breath-work, metaphysics and Creative Healing Programs, to awaken cellular intelligence and HEAL. She holds a degree in Art and the Creative Process as well as being a Certified Intentional Creativity Teacher. She works with women virtually all over the world.

Contact Laurie Morse:  website:                                                                                                                                          Link to free copy of book:

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