01:04 – Introducing today’s guest, Nora Snelling

02:19 – The moment Nora realized she wanted to be an entrepreneur

03:55 – Nora’s roots and background

05:16 – The Live Rich Project

07:20 – The different services the Live Rich Project provides

09:13 – Nora speaks to her love of travel

11:46 – Valuing the experience over sharing the experience via social media

13:11 – The value of relationships

14:22 – Nora’s go-to-market strategy

16:10 – Lessons Nora has learned from mistakes and failures

18:09 – Chris and Nora share their thoughts on forming business partnerships

21:46 – What it means to ‘live rich’

24:53 – Why Nora fears failure

27:40 – How different entrepreneurs use failure to achieve success

29:38 – Nora talks about why she doesn’t spend money she doesn’t have

32:45 – What excites Nora the most about her business over the next twelve months

35:35 – Why business is still personal

37:46 – The importance of not caring what others think

40:35 – Nora shares with the audience what they can do to increase the dosage

41:41 – Chris thanks Nora for joining the show


“What I focus on is really getting into a culture, and enriching your soul, and your experience, and meeting people that live there, and really trying to make it a life-changing experience.” (07:56)

“Partnerships, there are a lot of reasons for them. And most people rush into partnerships because, especially if it’s your first or second venture, it’s always more comfortable, I think, for humans to do stuff with someone else.” (19:54)

“I think the mindset of being rich is more of investing in yourself, investing in your family, investing in your passions, and giving too, and really living in the moment.” (22:51)

“I’m afraid of failure and I’m afraid of, ya know, not being perfect.” (24:53)

“All roads lead to self-awareness, of what you can do, what you can’t do. All roads lead to new skill development, new lessons. And, if you do it long enough, all roads eventually lead to success.” (28:59)

“When you’re depending on a sale and you need money cause you’ve spent it already, you get a little desperate. And then you start selling to people that you shouldn’t be selling to. And, it just never works out. ” (31:54)

“One thing my dad said to me that has always stuck with me is, ‘Nora, you don’t have to work with anyone you don’t want to work with.’ And so I’m pretty picky.” (33:39)


Chris’ LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisjsnook/

StartUp Drugz Instagram – @startupdrugz https://www.instagram.com/startupdrugz/?hl=en

Nora’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/noralindquist/

Live Rich Project Website – https://www.liverichproject.com/

Live Rich Project Instagram – @liverichproject https://www.instagram.com/liverichproject/

Live Rich Project Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/liverichproject/

Nora’s Instagram – @norasnelling https://www.instagram.com/norasnelling/?hl=en

Nora’s Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/nora.lindquist.5