Marcus believes we very rarely self-reflect because we are busy and fixated on carrying on doing things the way they have always been done, holding lots of attachment to received wisdom. He thinks that any important process should be reviewed every 3 months to consider; why did we start doing it this way, why are we still doing it this way, and does it serve our purpose and if it doesn’t, is there a better way? If you want better answers, you have to ask better questions.

Stretching imaginations to achieve what\'s possible

Marcus works with businesses that want to scale fast and is not afraid to ask shitty and uncomfortable questions. He challenges thinking, especially when it is learnt behaviour to help organisations remove the constraints that hold them back

Marcus believes we very rarely self-reflect because we are busy and fixated on carrying on doing things the way they have always been done, holding lots of attachment to received wisdom. He thinks that any important process should be reviewed every 3 months to consider; why did we start doing it this way, why are we still doing it this way, and does it serve our purpose and if it doesn’t, is there a better way? If you want better answers, you have to ask better questions.


Published: 04.11.2021

Recorded: 16.08.2021

Duration: 1:01:25

Downloads: 259



Within business Marcus asks, ‘What is the point in hiring brilliant people, if you are going to stop them being brilliant, by trying to micromanage and control them?’ Instead, we should try to create an environment where everyone can thrive. A culture of demand and control encourages internal competition, blame and excuses, which only serves a tiny handful of people who benefit from the status quo.

There is a theory in transactional analysis called, ‘Ok not Ok’. So, for me to feel Ok, I need to find someone more not OK than me, which can be very divisive. Within Marcus’ work he tries to find the common ground and then start collaborating, believing that if you show up with the right intent, empower people and ensure they have a voice, give them free reign to think for themselves and leave them to see what they are able to create. In this way you are able to draw the best out of everyone and allow them to do their best work every day. Marcus wants equity over equality and believes there is a real distinction between the two. He thinks we need to create a fairer environment so we can play to our greatest strengths and work with people who make our weaknesses seem irrelevant. Even if everyone receives the same information at the start of a project this does not mean everyone is on an equal playing field, as there are differences in people’s thought processes, approach. Equity is about giving people the chance and tools to succeed and within this we should find ways to include as many people as possible as we need to listen to both sides, as otherwise we are living in an echo chamber. We thrive as a species when we collaborate.

Marcus believes we need to empower and train middle managers so that they hire the best people from the entire marketplace and get the best out of them, understanding what their drivers are, pre-onboard them and then coach them. Give them the tools and resources that they need and give them a voice. This moves emphasis away from training to learning. It allows people to fail fast and fail early and then work together on how to fix it and make sure it doesn’t happen again, rather than being afraid of failure owning it and being able to move forward together.

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Brought to you by your host

Joanne Lockwood
SEE Change Happen

A huge thank you to our wonderful

Marcus Cauchi
Laughs Last Ltd

The post Stretching imaginations to achieve what’s possible appeared first on SEE Change Happen: The Inclusive Culture Experts.

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