In this episode of Crypto Investors, we chat with Peter ( ), who works at Metacartel ( and 1kx. Metacartel is a community with multiple arms -  grants program, venture investments (, dapp podcast etc.


00:00 Introduction

00:37 Origin story for metacartel

04:32 Current state of metacartel

11:47 Metacartel DAO

14:51 Venture DAO and metacartel ventures

17:50 Interesting stats around metacartel - teams funded, grants given, partners

21:01 Fair launches and evolution of crypto VC with community driven projects

27:01 Incorrect narrative around crypto VCs dumping

30:18 Trends in NFT ecosystem

32:35 DeFi predictions

35:20 Governance ideas coming from DeFi

37:32 Geographical trends in crypto

39:45 Closing remarks and where are we headed

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