Today’s chat is another one with my soul sister, Default Friend, with whom podding is always such a pleasure that we’re going to start doing it more often. Make it a regular thing. The prompts for today include a piece in Countere, an always interesting digital magazine, about an online support group for people with homicidal ideation. Specifically mass-homicidal ideation - Mass Murderers Anonymous - followed by a response piece, to a response piece about a response to a film review, a meta-criticism (of a criticism of a criticism) of the downtown New York arts scene known as Dimes Square. The art created by the scene has mostly been contained to substacks and podcasts, apparently, which is also fitting. So this is just one more of those to add to the list.
“I Don't Like Mondays” by Tori Amos, 2001, courtesy of Atlantic Recordings.
—————————————————————— Read the Countere article:
Mass Murderers Anonymous:, Crumps’s piece: and Default’s piece about Crumps’s piece:
Today’s episode is sponsored by Magic Mind Elixir! Hack your brain by heading over to and using promo code INCEL for a 40% discount on your first subscription to Magic Mind, or 20% off your one-time purchase. —————————————————————— Please check out my all new Patreon for ad-free, uncensored episodes and weekly blogs! ——————————————————————— INCEL is created and produced by Naama Kates for Crawlspace Media. Music by Cyrus Melchor. —————————————————————— If you or someone you know is struggling emotionally, or having a hard time, please call someone, or contact one of the excellent resources provided below. —————————————————————— Suicide Prevention Lifeline w: t: 1.800.273.8255 —————————————————————— Samaritans Website: and telephone (UK): 116.123 —————————————————————— Please contact Naama at INCEL with any comments, inquiries, or just random thoughts: e: [email protected]