Welcome to episode 10! Is the show getting any better? Send us your questions and comments for a guaranteed response.

Buzz 1: SoundCloud's Colossal Customer Service Failure
a. So what happened was Soundcloud's RSS feed feature, that allows podcasters to essentially submit their podcast to the biggest podcasting service, iTunes, went down, apparently due to maintenance.
b. This was poorly communicated and no one knew it was going to be days.
c. Lesson 1: If you're going to have an outage manage expectations properly. If it was always going to be a few days, tell people that, give them canned messages they can share with their own audiences and communicate regularly with real updates on what the problem is and how long it's going to take.
d. Lesson number 2: Be prepared on all your channels, service board, multiple twitter handles, Facebook
e. This was possibly the biggest error on Soundcloud's part.
f. Lesson number 3: Apologise, Delight and Apologise. Problems like this are a great marketing opportunity to build trust and advocacy if managed correctly.
g. Lesson number 4: Newsjacking and helping people in need. @OmnyApp (a competitor) started tweeting people and offering them one month off a pro plan WHICH is already cheaper and already has a better reputation
h. What started happening? Other podcasters started sharing this offer with other podcasters!

Buzz 2: Should I get a marketing degree or qualifications to excel at marketing?
a. Depends on whether you want a career in Marketing
b. Tools: Smart insights http://smartinsights.com/
c. Lynda.com http://lynda.com
d. Conferences: www.inbound.com

Buzz 3: Facebook Live
a. Facebook live let's you stream whatever you want to your friends, fans and even facebook group members
b. There is evidence Facebook is giving preference to video and especially Facebook Live streams.
c. How would you use it?
- Behind the scenes: Particularly for events, people love a behind the curtain glimpse so consider that if applicable to you
- Stream a live event: What you could do is promote that you will be broadcasting live, give a date and a time and invite people back to view the event LIVE
- Introduce a new blog, resource or eBook: You may not get a whole bunch of views with this but if you pick a time when your audience is online (which I talk about again later) this could be good as well as keep in mind the view will be saved on FB and you could always link to the post later.
- Do a customer Q&A: Have questions ready and take live questions as well
d. How do you get the most out of it?
First. Keep in mind it's mobile only so the audio is going to suck. Be sure to do a dry run before the real deal. Get better audio, I use the zoom iq5 and it plugs into the lightening connector - http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1021109-REG/zoom_ziq5b_ios_lightning_stereo.html
Second. Because it's mobile you need to have a strong connection or 4G
Third. Tell people ahead of time when you're going to broadcast. Obtain emails and mobile numbers to email and SMS beforehand.
Fourth. During the broadcast, ask your viewers to follow you and receive notifications when you go live.
Fifth. Broadcast for longer periods of time. Tips from Facebooks: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1021109-REG/zoom_ziq5b_ios_lightning_stereo.html
Sixth. The longer you broadcast, the more likely people are to discover and invite their friends on Facebook to watch the video. FB recommends that you go live for at least 10 minutes, and you can stay live for up to 90 minutes; https://www.facebook.com/facebookmedia/best-practices/live
Seventh. CTAs: give something away by getting their email addresses