Welcome to the very first episode of Inbound Buzz!

Recorded Monday 7th March, 2016

Opening Buzz: Did you by the time someone calls, they have already made 60% of their purchase decision before even talking to you? Find out how inbound marketing can help and more on today's episode of inbound buzz..

Featured Buzz: Digital Marketing Strategy
With the excitement of the new year finally wearing off, it's important you keep sight of all the great Digital Marketing tactics you wanted to execute this year. The key? Making a plan and keeping track. Co-incidentally, our upcoming meetup Wednesday night 9/3/16 @ 7pm in Sydney will be covering 'How to create a Digital Strategy'. It's going to epic and it's FREE! Register here or join the meetup - http://www.meetup.com/digitaldiyers/events/229077273/

Featured Buzz: What is Inbound Marketing?
Inbound marketers such as myself have broken marketing into two types. i. Traditional: Push marketing, cold calling, cold emailing, advertising without context, very presumptive. ii. Inbound as a philosophy: The core idea of inbound marketing is educating the buyer through the stages of the decision making process; I have a problem, search for info, eval of alternatives, purchase and post purchase.

60% of the purchasing decision is already made by the time somone calls you. Source - http://www.slideshare.net/HubSpot/taking-your-sales-process-inbound (slide 65). It is our job as marketers and business ownerswho call have already made a decision (verify stat and source). It's our job to own the conversation.

Hubspot or Marketing Automation is what enables you to do inbound marketing.

Featured Buzz: The ‘Hub & Spoke’ Model.
You should spend at least as much time distributing and promoting your content as it took you to create it. Think about the Hub & Spoke model for both previous content creation efforts and future ones.

Featured Buzz: The Best Time to Post on Social Media
Buzzsumo drew insights from 1Bn facebook posts from 3 million pages (http://www.slideshare.net/buzzsumo/how-to-improve-facebook-engagement-insights-from-1bn-posts)

Key Findings:
- The best time to post is between 10pm and 12am of your audience's local time.
- The best day to post is Sunday
- Sunday night is a great time to post

- Get into the habit of scheduling posts. Hubspot has this inbuilt. We also use Hootsuite for clients who don’t use Hubspot.
Facebook post tips:
- Questions and images
- Short posts
- Directly embedding videos get 6x interaction. This is due to seamless features like auto-play and the fact Facebook and Google are often competitors!
- Posts without hashtags get less interaction than posts with hashtags. BUT take this rule lightly. If you use hashtags use those are already have traction. Events and expos are always good to take advantage as a topical issues e.g. political spills!

Like today's episode? Don't forget to share, subscribe and rate us on iTunes.

Have feedback or digital marketing questions? Visit www.inboundbuzz.com.au for more detailed show notes. Or tweet Moby @MobySiddique

In Sydney? Join the Digital DIY community: http://www.meetup.com/digitaldiyers/

Need help with Inbound & Digital Marketing? Visit www.redpandas.com.au - quote the show to receive a free consultation

See you next week!