Everyone says they are customer-centric, but, like most things, being customer-centric is more difficult than just saying it. Further, what passed for customer-centric five years ago doesn’t cut it today. Today’s modern buyers expect more from the companies they work with and buy from. For a company to be truly customer-centric, they need to be solving for the customer across all levels of their organization. In other words, to be customer-centric, you need to be an inbound organization.

[0:37] Question: What Does Being Customer-Centric Mean?

Being a customer-centric business means that your organization is built from the mission up with your customer's success in mind. Your mission shouldn’t be about you; it should be about your customer. The decisions you make should be based on your customers best interests. The content you host on your website should be tailored to every stage of the buyer journey (even customers), and it should be personalized.

Being custom-centric is more than just having great service. Customer service is reactive, customer-centric means proactively ensuring your customers are solving their problems and succeeding. If you just pay lip service to your customers, you’re not customer-centric.

[17:08] Todd's Truth

Employee experiences lead to customer experiences.

[17:48] 3 Takeaways Check your mission, is it up to date and customer-focused? Ask your employees what barriers are in their way Ask your customers if you’re delivering what they really want Links Inbound Organization Assessment (https://www.inboundorganization.com/inbound-organization-assessment)

Inbound Organization Audiobook (https://www.audible.com/pd/Inbound-Organization-Audiobook/1469098903)

We’re extending the MSPOT contest! You can download the MSPOT template, submit it for review, and anyone who submits an MSPOT will be entered into the contest. The first-place winner will win an hour to review their MSPOT with Todd and Dan!

Download and Submit Your MSPOT (https://www.inboundorganization.com/mspot-review


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Thanks to Rebecca Miller our podcast editor, social media coordinator, and blogger and to Zachary Jameson for producing the audio for the podcast. Check out Zachary on Upwork if you need podcast audio services.