ou've launched a successful B2B podcast. Now what?

This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, Casted Founder Lindsay Tjepkema talks about why publishing your podcast is just the beginning, and how top B2B marketers are repurposing podcast content in creative ways to drive better marketing results.

We've talked about podcasting on this podcast before, but we've never covered some of the strategies Lindsay and her clients are using to turn podcasts into sales enablement tools, improve their ABM campaigns, and more.

Check out the full episode, or read the transcript below, for details.

Resources from this episode:

Check out the Casted website or view the company's Look Book for examples of how their clients are repurposing podcast content Following Lindsay on Twitter Connect with Lindsay on LinkedIn Transcript

Kathleen (00:02): Welcome back to the inbound success podcast. I'm your host, Kathleen Booth. And today my guest is Lindsay Tjepkema, who is the CEO and founder of Casted. Welcome to the podcast, Lindsay.

Lindsay (00:32): Thank you. I'm so excited to be here.

Kathleen (00:34): I'm really happy to have you here because we get to talk about my favorite topic, which is podcasting. The podcasting topic about podcasting.

Lindsay (00:43): It's my life. Podcasts about podcasts all day long.

Kathleen (00:46): The most meta podcasting thing ever. Before we jump into that can you take a minute and tell my listeners a little bit about yourself and your journey, how you wound up doing what you're doing now and what Casted is?

Lindsay (00:59): Of course, yes. So I'm a marketer at heart. I I've spent 15 years in, specifically in B2B marketing, specifically in the brand and content side of things. I've been on the agency side, I've been on the corporate side, I've run my own consulting thing. So I've all things. B2B marketing most recently before starting Casted I was running a brand and content team for global enterprise SaaS company. We had the strong content marketing engine that we had built that was based on, you know, a lot of, you know, social and blog and downloadable content. But we were this 20 year old SaaS company that was literally and figuratively missing a voice. And so this was 2017. When I said, you know, we need a podcast. That's where our audience is. As a lot of opportunity is, would also help unify this 900 person company around the world.

Lindsay (01:53): So let's do it. So like a lot of marketers that I now work with I I've set out to understand, okay, what does that even mean? How does starting a podcast work? What does this new medium, this new channel look like? And quickly realized a couple of things. One, it when we, when we did launch the show, I was happy that we did, because it did give our, our global team something to kind of rally around and a voice to get behind. And, and it also helped us reach our audience in a new way. They responded well. They liked hearing from our customers, liked hearing from our partners. But the, the flip side, the other thing I realized I was, was shocked. Really. I was vastly underwhelmed with the, the software that just didn't exist for, for me as a marketing leader and for my team, because we put, you know, firsthand how much, how much work it is to do a show and to do it right. What else were we going to do with it? And, and how were we going to see a return on this investment of time, money, resources, energy how we're going to use it in different ways. So we're going to measure it. And I just, I couldn't believe that there I didn't, there was no answer to that question. So that's, that's why Casted was born. We're the first and only platform that's really built for B2B marketers to harness the power of podcasting as part of their content.

Kathleen (03:08): I love that so much. And as you say, speaking from firsthand experience, I mean, I'm a marketer, that's, that's what I was trained in. I was not a trained audio engineer or audio production editor or graphic designer or any of that. But I knew I wanted to do a podcast and so I had to figure it out and I had to learn a bunch of things and I have my process down now, but like, it, it was sort of painful. And if, I think if anything, if any part of it changed now, it's like, you know, the whole thing would go crumbling down because I, I have it like set up so that I know exactly what to do at every stage. Cause I've learned specifically how to do these things for this very purpose, but I haven't learned overall like how to be a great audio editor for example.

Kathleen (03:54): Right. So it is, it's, it's complicated and I think it can be intimidating for people who are interested in starting podcasts. Yeah. you know, we've, we've talked so much about podcasting on this podcast. I've had people come on and talk about why you should podcast and like why it's great to be a guest on other people's podcasts and so many different topics. And, and, and it's funny because like, usually I'm pretty careful about not talking about the same topic too much, just because, you know, you've, you've covered at once, but this is a topic that it keeps coming up. And it's really interesting cause I'm in a lot of like Slack groups with other CMOs and, you know, private group, private communities, et cetera. And it's, it's fascinating to me how the interest in B2B podcasting just keeps gaining steam. Like just when you think it's hit it's, you know, high point it keeps going.

Kathleen (04:46): And I think COVID has only reinforced that. And so this is a really hot topic, which is why I wanted to talk about it again. And I think I love the specific angle that you and I are going to cover, which is so you've created a podcast. What next, because that's part of the problem. A lot of people go out and they think it's just all about doing the podcast when really that's just kind of scratching the surface. So assuming that that people listening are convinced of the power of podcasting and some of them may or may not have started their podcast, let's dig into what happens next. And I'm going to turn it over to you because this is what your, what you do day in and day out.

Lindsay (05:26): It's true. Yeah. And I think to your point, Kathleen, whether you've started a podcast already, maybe you've been doing one for years and years and years, or you're thinking about doing one, regardless if you are a B2B marketer and you're even considering a show, your frame of mind, shouldn't just be, Hey, let's do a podcast. It should be, how are we going to use this, this podcast, this show as part of our integrated content marketing strategy, even our integrated sales and marketing what's, how's it going to fuel everything else we're doing that that is the difference maker. Anyone can just, you know, hit play, hit, publish, and get something out into the world. It's what you do with it from there. That really makes an impact on the brand and even, even on the bottom line, even on the pipeline. Right. So what I say is, yep, go create a show and then really think about how you can harness that expert voice.

Lindsay (06:22): You know, if I'm interviewing you for my show, why would I leave it at just, you know, publishing it and maybe sharing it on social media when I could use your voice across other channels when I could use use that to fuel blog posts when I could use that to fuel sales cadences, when I could use that to provide social media content that would be more engaging. How can you really use your expert voice as the center of everything else that I'm doing to make that content richer and more engaging for my audience,

Kathleen (06:56): I love that you started with, you know, the question of like, how are you gonna use it as part of your strategy because that's, it's fascinating, you know, we're all marketers. And so we're taught to start with strategy first, but it's amazing to me, how many marketers I have seen who've gone and created podcasts almost like, because they feel like they should like, like it's a box they need to check. And they haven't really thought through what part that's going to play in their overall strategy. And I'm going to admit, I was guilty of that with my very first podcast that I had many years ago where I was kind of like, I just, I need to be podcasting and I, and I did it and, you know, I don't have any regrets because like, it taught me a lot about how to podcast and what makes for a good one.

Kathleen (07:36): But, but I quickly discovered that without having a real defined goal behind it, it, it wasn't getting any traction and it wasn't getting me any results. And so when I created this one, I thought for a very long time about like, what is it I'm hoping to really get out of this? And as a result, you know, what topics are going to help me get there? What format, you know, whether it's interview style or conversation with a co-host, et cetera, you know what format's going to help me get there. And then within the structure of the podcast, like, what do I need to cover to achieve those goals? So like, there's a lot of strategy that goes into really that very first step of creating the right kind of podcast. So assuming, assuming someone has gone down that path and they finished kind of producing their episodes and they have that asset talk me through some of the ways that you've seen that have worked really well to get it out there and repurpose it. Yeah. And I think

Lindsay (08:36): Even before getting into that, even if you have, let's say you are a marketer sitting here and you're like, Ugh, I think we're doing our podcasts for the wrong reason. Like, or it doesn't fit into anything it's okay. Like, regardless of whether your podcast is super strategic and you are just hitting it on all cylinders and it is, it is a, a solid part of your integrated strategy. Or if it's sitting over there on an and it's someone's pet project, it's okay. Regardless, like you can start today with getting more value out of it. Right. And so I think step one, I always say this, and this is, this is seemingly more for someone who's starting a podcast, but I think it really applies to anyone at any stage is who's it for, and why are you doing it? Right. So just take a minute, even if you're not going to write anything out, just take a minute and your brain to think about, okay, who, who is the show for?

Lindsay (09:20): Who is it serving and why are we doing it? Because that really there is no one size fits all. There is no checklist. There are a bunch of examples which we'll get into today, but there is no, like, first you do this, then you do this, then make sure you do this, then make sure you do this. As we all know, it depends is always the answer, especially for marketers. Like it depends on, on who your show is serving and why you're doing it. If you're doing it for, you know, to, to gain exposure for one of the thought leaders in your company and therefore credibility, you know, for them, for the brand. That's one reason that is very different from, you know, more directly generating leads. So with that in mind, think about who are you doing it for? Why are you doing it?

Lindsay (09:55): And then start to, then once you kind of at least get your head wrapped around that, maybe do it as a team. Maybe you do it just yourself. Then start to think of, okay, I've got all this content assume that I'm, I'm, I'm serving the people that I want to serve. And that I understand the why, how can I connect the dots between the interviews that are being done on this show between, you know, somebody in my company and an expert that my audience cares about and wring it out across other channels, how can I amplify that expert voice on other channels? So if you're using the the channels of like blogging and social media, like many of us are, how can you take that expert voice and say, okay, I'm not just gonna do a recap post, that's fine. Do a recap post, do show notes, but like, how can you say, if you came on my show and you're like, you know, here's, here's three things that you really need to consider about inbound marketing.

Lindsay (10:47): Here's, here's three unique perspectives or here's, here's you know, this, this really in-depth example on how you should attribute X, Y, and Z. I could dig into that. I could put my content team on that to dig so much deeper and to come up with really, really rich, possibly really keyword centric content that is not only going to rank because it's something that's naturally keyword rich, it's going to be expert first. It's a unique perspective, it's original content. But also it's, it's going to serve your audience in a unique way, because it's, it's something that started from an expert. Didn't start from some keyword research, right? So this one is, is look at that, look at every episode and think, okay, how can I bring this out? How can I take hopefully you're, you're doing a transcription for your show. How can I take that transcription and equip my content team with ways to source content they can dig deeper into and just really ring out and possibly even go combine different transcripts together to create really, really rich written content. So I think that that's that's one. So let me ask you one question,

Kathleen (11:54): Because this is something that I have had so many debates about with people over the years, which is in your opinion, what makes for great show notes, because that's the starting point, right? Like that's your first thing that you're you're absolutely. Or I think you should be doing it.

Lindsay (12:10): Yeah. Yeah, I think, okay. So I'll answer that directly and also kind of indirectly show notes should provide a recap of the episode to zoom out from that a little bit. I think that I'm really convicted that your show should live on your own website as well as, you know, absolutely use Google apps. So you absolutely use Spotify, absolutely use Apple. They are amazing megaphones to amplify the, expand the reach of your show. But when you have the opportunity to send someone, to listen to your team, to experience your content, why in the world, when she, him to your own website, right. And when they're at your website they don't really need show notes as much as they need to be able to experience that content in a way that gets, you know, if they can't listen, if they don't want to listen, what do you want them to take away from your show?

Lindsay (13:05): So we see that in a couple of different, I'm going to answer with like an it's depends again. Right. what, some of the examples that I see done really well are, if it's done on your show, on your, on your website, you have a page for your show that has like a version of the transcript. That's kind of easy to skim. It's not just copy and paste to make sure that it's accurate or do a recap of the show that will hopefully entice someone to dig in deeper, along with clips. So make sure that you're pulling clips so that if somebody doesn't have time to listen to that 30, 40, 60 minute episode, that you're giving them some of the snippets and takeaways that they can, you know, get some of those key points that especially as a marketer, you really, really want to make sure that they hear that are advancing your perspective, that that are helping to carry the torch for what your show stands for making sure that you give your audience those little snippets and then kind of fill in the blanks with, with a written synopsis too. So I guess to more directly in summary bring people to your site and give them a recap along with some clips as key takeaways.

Kathleen (14:10): I love that you mentioned the transcript, and this is something that I'm personally really, really, really passionate about. And I had to fight for it in a couple of situations, which is, I think it's so important to transcribe and to end to provide like a thorough, thorough transcript. First of all, it is a no brainer because there are so many transcription services out there that are inexpensive and incredibly accurate for the price. So I will say personally, I've used rev.com for many years. You know, they have a human transcription, which is a little bit more expensive, but I've used recently, I've started using what they call their rough draft, which is an automated transcription. And I'll tell you, it's pretty close. I definitely have to like, edit, do a little editing and clean up, cause it doesn't get everything right, but it's, it's cents on the dollar.

Kathleen (14:59): I mean, I think I can transcribe a 40 minute podcast for $10, right? So there, there certainly should be no reason financially that you shouldn't transcribe it, but the reason I'm so passionate is, is both for accessibility reasons. Like, I, I think it's very important to solve for all of your, your audience. And some of them may not be able to listen. And so being able to provide that written transcript is, is key for that. But then also, honestly, as a marketer, I just think the SEO opportunity is tremendous. Like this is a 40 to 50 minute podcast. And when it's transcribed, that's a several thousand word article. Yes. I mean, if I had to write that I'd be spending hours. So I just so passionate about it and not everybody loves transcripts. I've had certain people at certain companies I've worked at pushed back on me.

Kathleen (15:49): And I think it's because they just like to listen. And so they don't get why the transcript is important, but everybody has a different learning style and yes, some people like to listen and they can listen to your podcasts, but other people really like to be able to read and skim. I happen to be one of them funny enough, because I definitely can read faster than I can listen. And so I like to just like look through and if I see something really great, I might listen. But anyway, that is the end of my Ted talk on transcriptions, but I'm all fired up and passionate about it.

Lindsay (16:17): I'm so glad that you mentioned that because yes. I think a lot of people overlook transcripts or use them in a way, I'm not gonna call it the wrong way, but in a way that I don't think is optimal because if you're just taking a transcript from just Slack, I think that transcripts get a bad name because a lot of people, especially in past years, were taking the, the, the largely inaccurate transcript and just slapping it up on their page. I'm basically there. What is essentially a blog page for their episode and saying, this is the transcript, forgive us because it's not accurate. Well, I don't want to forgive you because it's not accurate. Like then why are you sharing it with me? You wouldn't just not even just publish a really, really rough version of a blog post, like go through and one way or another, it's either going to be, you know, a little bit time intensive.

Lindsay (17:02): If you have a person going through and making sure it's accurate, or you pay a little bit more and have it transcribed more accurate, or, you know, you said kind of a balance of both get it right and, and share it for a couple of reasons. One, you mentioned accessibility that is hugely important. Also learning styles, the way that people want to consume content, maybe somebody is sitting someday when we're all in offices, again, sitting in an office and you know, it doesn't have ear buds or something and just wants to read something or somebody wants to share something with somebody else that they know isn't going to listen to it and just wants to skim also yep. SEO and being able to search Google so that they've been indexing podcasts for years. And now we're just now starting to see those audio podcasts come up.

Lindsay (17:44): But also if you, if you're posting the transcript, that's keyword rich. And then also something that I don't think that people think about and that we've baked into Casted is searchability for yourself. So you have tons of content. You've done more than a hundred shows. You have so much content here that if you are able to go back and search through your transcripts, you can repurpose and repackage and reuse, which is another thing that you should be doing on the flip side. Like once you want to show, what else are you doing with it? How are you reusing those shows and transcripts, make it a lot easier to go back and search and resurface a content we already have.

Kathleen (18:19): So I could not agree with you more obviously, cause I'm a little biased on this. But you talked to them about, so you've got your show notes and then you talked about creating other types of content and getting your content team on it to either like dive deep and create a more in-depth article on a particular aspect that someone spoke about. Or I think you mentioned also kind of, you didn't use these words, but like doing Roundup posts where maybe you have multiple guests, who've talked about a similar topic and putting that together. Do, can you share any examples of where either you've done that or a client you've worked with has done that and what does that really look like?

Lindsay (18:54): Sure. So first thing that comes to mind is one thing that we did at Casted. It was early on. So we we did two seasons, so about 20 shows and it was largely let's see, the first season was talking to hosts. And so these are all, you know, B2B show hosts, like what their experience had been like. And then the second season was the people that, the unheard voices behind the mic, right? Like how does your strategy work? So we had a lot of great content there and what our marketing director did is she went in and again, was able to search through all those transcripts and re you know, surface content and, and pull clips and kind of write basically a, a course around strategy around like of your podcasts. Like what should your podcast strategy be like around, you know, hosting and interviewing and kind of these different topics that she didn't have to, she could have, I mean, she's a pro in the space, but she let the experts that we had on our show basically teach the curriculum by pulling the clips from the episodes that we already had.

Lindsay (19:56): So we had, you know, Jay Baer on talking about, you know, the importance of podcasting and how, and why it matters, what your strategy should be like. So she just literally pulled clips of him talking about it and kind of filled in the blanks to provide more of that, how to, and we made something called pod class that uses the reuses, the shows that we did in a different, completely different way. And that became gated content for us. So that that's something to think about is even though your show, your episode, like the episode that we had with Jay Baer was really broad. It was about, it was one of the, if it was it's one of, one of the first shows, if not the first show that we did. And so it was really broadly talking about, you know, why podcasting, how podcasting, but if you take, if you just take a look at it from a different angle, there was a lot in there that was really how to, and so, and that was a theme, kind of a crop that kind of dotted throughout our first couple of seasons. So we were able to pull that out. And I think that if you're doing a show you're able to look back and say, okay, how can we do? And we do a Roundup post or a Roundup even episode or series or gated content. That's all around this one topic that our audience would, would value, right? Again, who is it for? Why are you doing it? What do you already have that you can repackage in a way that would really be valuable for your audience?

Kathleen (21:16): Okay. If you're listening, I want to just stop and underline what you just said. That is such a great idea. I, you know, I've heard people talk a lot about roundup posts and things like that, but creating an actual course from your content is, is so genius. And I feel like courses have a ton of traction. They can be great sales enablement tools. They can be great ways to engage your community, but they're a pain in the neck to create. And I know because I've worked for education companies where I've had to create online courses and it's a lot of work, but if you already have all the content that is amazing. So that that's, I love, I love that as one way to repurpose content. So as I said, I love that tip. What else you got? What, how, what are some other ways that you or your clients have repurposed content?

Lindsay (22:08): Sure. So another example, this is what we're doing, but I promise I have lots of examples of our, of our customers and others in the, in the world are doing to one of the first things that comes to mind that, you know, obviously account based marketing, ABM is huge, has been, should be. It's great. It helps us refocus as marketers to think about how can I make this experience for an account that I'm going after, how can I make it more personal? How can I make it more relevant? How can I, how can I really go after this account in a way that will yield greater results because I'm being more appealing to this person and to their brand podcasting can, and absolutely should be a part of that equation, right? So account based podcasting, if you will we're starting to see some, some fun ideas and some creative thinking with some of our customers.

Lindsay (22:55): One thing that we are doing, I can kind of speak to in a little more detail is our SDRs or BDRs, some people call them, are creating their own little podcasts and using our, our podcasts, the Casted podcast to, you know, pull clips and pull snippets based on who they are trying to meet with and who they're trying to get in front of who they're trying to engage with and what that looks like and what it could look like for listeners to say, okay, and who's it for? Who's your audience? We all have segments within our audience, right? So there's quite often decision makers and users, right? Let's just make that assumption. There's these kind of two segments within those your decision makers are going to be coming into your conversation from a couple of different pain points, right.

Lindsay (23:43): Or a couple of different scenarios or situations, context, the same thing with your users. So what if you, let's just say you have a decision maker, audience, and a, a user audience, and then within that, let's say they each kind of have three different pain points or contexts. What if you went back through your podcast and said, okay, here are some of our customers talking about this pain point, talking about this context, talking about how perhaps we cause in podcasts sometimes, you know, when, when people are just talking openly about, especially if you're talking to your customers about how you've helped them, or how, how they were able to advance because of something that you're doing with them, if you pulled that and use that in the sales process. Right? So what you end up with is going back and using your show, looking through your show for clips and for takeaways that your sales team can share that specifically address the pain point, the problem, the context of a specific persona or segment within your audience, that you can package up into a cadence that you can really use naturally and say, Hey, Kathleen, you know, I know that we were talking the other day, you're thinking about buying our widget.

Lindsay (24:52): I just thought it would be great for you to hear from so-and-so who, you know, at such and such company that had the same problem as you. And, you know, he's a CMO just like you are. But you might want to hear it from him directly. It's content it's already been shared publicly it's it's something that can be kinda put into a different context and, you know, just think of ways that your sales team could benefit from using those little snippets and make it super easy for them to serve it up and say, Hey, here's something that you can use to either advance the conversation you're already in or start a new one.

Kathleen (25:23): So when you're doing that, do you share, are you sharing video? Are you sharing just audio? What is it that you're sharing?

Lindsay (25:31): Sure. So for us right now, our podcast is audio until literally as of the week that we're recording this, we're launching a Casted video podcast. So that's going to be a new one that we're including if you have the video use it. If you just have the audio use it I think more than anything else, what matters is that third party endorsement that, that credibility, whether it's, I mean, it doesn't even have to be a testimonial by your company. I mean, just something that's really relevant to that, to that audience segment something that really matters to them. And that will really resonate with the situation that they're in, whether it's audio or video, if you have somebody other than outside of your company that can, can really speak to them in a way that resonates.

Kathleen (26:12): That's what matters. And, and are you sending, like, let's just use an audio podcast, for example, cause that's like, what this is, are you sending the full podcast or are you just editing out a piece of it? And if you're an either way, like functionally, what does that look like? If you're putting it in an email? Like what, what, how are you inserting it?

Lindsay (26:31): Sure. So I'm a little bit biased because this works with Casted, but you can do it without Casted too. So I'll try to kind of speak both sides. Pull a clip, because otherwise you're asking - if you're not pulling a clip and serving up someone the piece of information that's really valuable to them, you're really promoting your show. Promoting your show is great. But if you have a problem and I'm trying to help solve your problem, I'm not solving your problem by asking you to do more work of listening to a 30 minute plus episode.

Kathleen (27:00): The very least I was going to say, just say to somebody fast forward to 15 minutes and 30 seconds for the answer.

Lindsay (27:07): If that's what you've got do that. If you have the ability to pull a clip, like in Casted, you just highlight over the transcript, hit create clip, and it, it gives you a unique URL that you can share. If you don't have that capability use what you've got, right. Send the person that clip or direct them to that clip that says, Hey, you know, at 15 minutes, 30 seconds, you know, you'll hear, so-and-so talk about how Casted saved them this amount of time, whatever. And then make sure you put it into a context of, you know, again, that kind of account based marketing. What does it mean for them? What's in it for them? What's the context, what a situation that's really matters to them. And how does the, how does the clip come into play? Otherwise it's just a clip. Also I would say beyond that clip, where can you send them?

Lindsay (27:49): So if you have the capability, I mean, this is in Casted. I know there's some other there's lots of ways to create a landing page to create a unique landing pages. If you have ABM tools, how can you create, can you work it into that experience to say, okay, as part of this kind of personalized, tailored approach that I'm taking with this account, how can I use this show? And, and something that, you know, different people have said on our show along the way to help advance this conversation. That's, that's the big picture and there's lots of different, tangible ways to do that. But I think far too often, because podcast content is looked at as like over on this Island and kind of a lockbox of, of audio content, people discount it and don't use it. And so I'm saying think of ways to incorporate that into your account based marketing strategy. So that, I mean the power of voice, having someone like literally being able to hear someone other than yourself you know, talk about this, how you solve this problem, or, you know, get that prospective buyer into that state of mind is so powerful.

Kathleen (28:56): So you're actually putting URL in this case, you're putting URLs into your email and directing somebody towards a landing page with a video clip on it. Correct?

Lindsay (29:04): Yeah. I mean, that's one way you could do it. Yep.

Kathleen (29:08): Yep. Okay. I like that. I like that approach. It's not something I would have thought of before, just because normally you're so focused around how are you going to host the actual episode itself that I hadn't thought about? Like taking snippets and creating ways to host that.

Lindsay (29:18): One way that we, I mean, just specifically to Casted and then I'll share how we do it. And then even if you don't have cast and maybe it'll get you thinking about ways you could do it with resources that you do have. So what our SDRs do is that they'll create an actual podcast. So they'll record something and pull clips cause we could do in Casted. So they'll have a transcript and they'll pull specific clips that they are, are really, really relevant that they really want to call out to that audience or to that prospect. And they'll include clips from our show and say, Hey, you know, listen to, okay, I keep using Jay Baer. Listen to Jay Baer talk about this, listen to, you know, so-and-so talk about this other thing. And that's all included as key takeaways or clips on the show page that they'll send people to.

Lindsay (30:02): So they'll say, Hey, I created this podcast just for you. And that podcast experience is personalized, right? So it's, it's a show that's created just for that, that audience segment with that problem. The key takeaways basically the outline of the show, the clips that you can jump to are specific and tailored to that audience, segment that persona with that problem, the related resources at the bottom of the page that are included are resources that are tailored to that audience in that problem. They can even be as tailored to say, like, this is a specific thing for this person. And it just, it makes that whole experience really customized and really, really personal.

Kathleen (30:40): So, all right, now I have more questions because your SDR is creating this. So let's use your Jay Baer example cause we're gonna, we're gonna pound that one home today and you have an episode that has Jay Baer in it. The SDR you know, didn't necessarily like host that or interview Jay Baer. So are you saying that they're creating almost like an intro and an outro for it or like an executive summary? What, what is it exactly that the SDR is creating?

Lindsay (31:08): Sure. So one way that I've, I've seen them do it is to, yeah, they'll create the intro and the outro and basically set up the context and they'll pull some clips and have our producer put them together into a show that that show would contain an intro from the SDR and algebra from the SDR maybe a couple of talking points in between and several clips from different shows that we've had, you know, over the years, but that that I'll speak to this one specific audience in one specific pain point, that is a show it's private. So we're not syndicating it out to Apple. But it's also not password protected. It's just shared, it's viewable only through a link. They'll send that link. That link goes to a page that has your show notes, that has the transcript that has clips and key takeaways. It has related resources. And so that whole experience you know, when somebody clicks on that link, it takes them to an experience that's tailored just for that audience.

Kathleen (32:07): So I assume you, you don't do this for everybody because obviously there's some work involved, but I love, I love the concept of it because if I'm understanding correctly, if I'm your target and I get this email, that's like, here, I have this for you. I open it up. And if I listen, it's a podcast where like, they're mentioning my name. Like, Hey, Kathleen, I wanted to, I know your challenge is X. And so I wanted to share with you these clips of Jay Baer saying X, Y, and Z, like, is that how it works?

Lindsay (32:33): That's, that's how it definitely could work you're right. That it would be, that would probably be more for, depending on your resources, mean if you have an audience. Yeah. It could be your tier one. If you have the time and you have the resources in-house to be able to kind of quickly, it wouldn't be that hard. I mean, if, if the rest of the show was more persona or segment specific, but just the first 10 seconds where the Hey Kathleen it would be very easy for an audio engineer to like, create that really quickly, if you don't have those resources, do it by audit by segment. Right. So if you have like you said, that tier one, maybe you do it for a few customer potential customers, or if it's a segment, you know, this is going to be for CMOs in this vertical that have this problem. Right. And maybe that's only 10 people, maybe that, that one episode goes to like 10 people. But it's really specific to that niche situation.

Kathleen (33:28): Oh, my head is spinning with so many ideas now. I never thought to really do that and, and to like take an existing podcast and then sort of sandwiched in between, you know, commentary, if you will. So that's really interesting. Have you, what kind of results have you seen from that

Lindsay (33:43): Really early? Really early on, but we've seen, we've seen great results and, and, you know, as soon as we're looking to generate meetings and to start conversations and it's been working so far and we're, we're starting to talk with customers too about like, Hey, would you, what are your thoughts? Would you do this? Should we roll it out help? And just like you, people are excited and want to learn more about how to do it. So we're, we're excited to.

Kathleen (34:05): That's great. All right. Do you have any other tricks in your bag?

Lindsay (34:10): So that's, let's see, we covered kind of digging deeper with, with blog content. We talked about what account-based podcasting and account-based marketing looks like. I think just broadly speaking is again, how take, take quick inventory, and I'm not saying spend hours spend five minutes right now, thinking about all the different channels you use depending on who's listening, what's under your umbrella, right? Like what do you have the power to do right now? Like maybe you own the podcast and the blog, right? How can you feed your blog with your podcast content? Quite often, content teams are made up by, you know, some, some more, more junior or earlier in their career content marketers that are tasked with creating really, really incredible content at a breakneck pace. Right? And I've been there. I've, I've been that person.

Lindsay (34:59): I have managed that person. I've managed that team. It's, it's a lot, and it's a lot of pressure on, on a content marketer to try to be an expert in something that somebody else has literally spent their entire career doing, just so that you can be, you know, five steps ahead and write like the thought leader and also, Oh, by the way, rank better than any other company. So think about how you can support if you own the blog, the podcast how can you fuel those other channels specifically like your blog? By saying I'm going to go out and interview experts in the space and I'm going to equip my other teams, my content team, my social media team, my sales enablement team with this content that they can use as a resource. So they can be more efficient, they can be more effective.

Lindsay (35:48): And, you know, I've, I've been that marketer trying to, trying to bridge the gap between thought leadership and product and, and say, how do these two things line up, you know, and, and trying to use my marketing expertise to also be the thought leader in that space for whatever company I was working for. If you have that expert on your show, literally that knows what the gap, how to bridge the gap between your product and your thought leadership, go interview them, turn that into a podcast. That'll be a really naturally keyword rich podcast. That'll be really engaging to your audience. Your sales team will like it because they're also trying to do the same thing and then hand it over to your content team in a way that they can access that content and turn it into equally as engaging written content that they don't have to try to break that gap on their own.

Lindsay (36:31): They can literally just be a content marketer and, and use the words of that expert to create really, really engaging content same thing for social media, same thing for web content, same thing for you're trying to put together a case study or use cases look at it that way, not only as a, as a content channel, but as the hub, right. Put it at the hub in the middle, from that fuels everything else. Even just starting to think that way will really help you start to think creatively about what you could do. And we've got lots of great examples that I can dig into. OpenView ventures. They, they do this really well, so they, they have a really great show specifically for founders like me, if they're looking for how to scale up their business. And then they, they will embed clips of that show into their blog posts that dive deeper, right. And they share clips on social media that, that engage founders like me to bring them in to experience not just the podcast, but their content in general.

Kathleen (37:33): That's a great example. I love, I love their content. And you know, and you raise a really good point. It's something that I've learned over my career and that I practice now which is that when you stop trying to put a square peg in a round hole, and by that, I mean, when you stop trying to get all of your subject matter experts to write and create content, and instead you turn to interviewing them, whether that's, you know, interviewing them and not using the audio, but then creating written content or even better, what you've suggested, which is interviewing them and actually using the audio, but then also creating the written content. It just, it removes so much friction from the content creation process and it really can, can produce some outstanding content.

Lindsay (38:19): It can. Yeah. And so another example is Drift, right? So we all know Drift, we all love Drift as a, as a brand, they've done some really incredible things. And, you know, a lot of it started with a podcast, right. And if you go back to, you know, Dave Gerhardt was their first marketing hire, if I'm not mistaken and wanted to create great content. So he just started, like you said, just started and I've done it before to interviewing Dave Cancel and just saying, Hey, how did we do this? Why did we do this? Why did you start this company? Why, how are we solving people's problems? How have, how are you leading this company? What does leadership mean to you? And in recording those conversations said, Hey, this would make a great show, turned it into a show that show was wildly successful, still is. Seeking Wisdom.

Lindsay (39:04): They now have five other shows. I think they have five or six shows. They're, they're one of our customers. So they are using the transcripts, they're using their clips and they are, they have this entire Drift Insider part of their website that is all this content saying, how, how can we equip our audience with, like you said, ways that they want to consume content, that their video content, audio podcast, content, and lots of written content. They have really rich versions of, of 10 different integrated types of media content. And it all starts with conversations. Let's go talk to the people that have the answers that our audience wants, and let's be the facilitators. You know, you don't have to be the expert in everything. As the author of whatever you're, you're creating, you just need to go tap into that.

Kathleen (39:46): Yeah, it's so funny. I feel like that could so easily become me because I, I love podcasting. It's why I've been doing it for so long. I've started a podcast at every single company that I've worked at. And, and I often think like I could easily have five or six podcasts. I could just do it full time, because for first of all, it's just fun. I mean, maybe I'm just a huge marketing nerd, but it's fun. It's fun getting to learn from people. Like when I get to talk to someone like you, I learned so much from these conversations and then the, the phenomenal by-product of that is that other people get to learn alongside me. Right. But I always say, and my listeners know, I say this all the time. I would keep podcasting even if nobody listened, because I learn so much, it's like free consulting.

Kathleen (40:31): But being able to share that is so valuable. And it's funny because there are so many different dimensions to what you can create a podcast around. You know, and I'm just early in my current company, we will definitely have a podcast. So stay tuned. I honestly could create four or five. I won't do that in the beginning because I'm not that crazy, but someday we'll get there.

Lindsay (40:56): Yeah. And see how it happens. Yeah.

Kathleen (40:58): Yeah. I love that. Well, so many great ideas. I feel like I could keep going on this forever, but we're going to run out of time. So I want to make sure I leave room to ask you the questions I always ask my guests. The first one is, of course, this podcast is all about inbound marketing. Is there a particular company or individual that you think is really setting the standard for what it means to be a great inbound marketer?

Lindsay (41:17): You know, I, I knew you were gonna ask this. And so I thought, and I thought, and I have so many examples. And so I feel like I'm going to be leaving out the other, you know, everyone else, but, you know, just mentioning Drift. They are, they are constantly, I love working with them or if they're a great customer and partner to us, but even before they were, I've loved what they were doing. They, they have several shows for a reason, not just because you know, shows are great and podcasts are popular, but because as they continued having conversations, they realized that their audience was growing. And so they didn't try to cram it all into one show. They remembered who's it for why are we doing it? And so seeking wisdom stayed with that kind of more general audience of marketers, marketing leadership.

Lindsay (42:01): And then they have other shows that focus on, you know, product development and, you know, quickly scaling business. And, and, and because they've been really smart about who their audience is and what the different sub sectors of that audience look like. And, and they've also been really smart about who on their side should be the host to kind of carry on those conversations. And then, you know, this whole conversation has been like, and then what would you do with it, have these great shows, but they're also bringing them out and doing really, really great things that are generating a lot of inbound activity. I mean, of course they're, they're growing like mad. And because they're Drift, they're also making sure that they're using the, the Drift bot to engage with people as they are coming in to say, Hey, what'd you think about this? How are you, how are you consuming that maybe you'd like this other show as well? So yeah, that would be my example.

Kathleen (42:54): Great point about breaking the show up into two separate shows, because I do find that that is a huge mistake a lot of companies make as they try to be all things to all people. And that was probably one of the mistakes I made with my first podcast that I mentioned that I did for a little while, and then abandoned because I didn't have the right strategy.

Lindsay (43:09): It's easy to do.

Kathleen (43:09): Yeah. I was trying to, I was trying to speak to too many audiences. And as soon as I switched gears and for this podcast, I got much more specific. And, and it's, that's why I've been able to stick with it for so long because it's, it's, it's a clear audience with a defined need and I'm able to solve for that in each episode. So, yeah. Great. all right. Second question. One of the big pain points I hear marketers always mention is that trying to keep up with all the changes in digital marketing, it's like drinking from a fire hose. So how do you personally drink from that fire hose?

Lindsay (43:41): Okay. I'm going to be super duper obvious and cliche, but podcasts. Honestly, honestly, it truly, it's not just because of Casted. It's not because I'm biased. Even before Casted, I think probably that's one of the reasons I created Casted. It was, it's, podcasts are an incredible way to, to get information. First of all, you can consume them when you're doing anything else. And I'm sure our listeners doing lots of different things right now, doing the dishes, driving, running, doing work right. You can consume that content doing whatever it isn't. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm busy. And so I like to collect that information. And you know, I'm, I'm getting information about marketing, about, you know, raising capital about, you know, being a first time founder, like all these different things that I can consume in any basically anytime of day.

Lindsay (44:28): And I love that also studies have shown there's a really cool one by BBC that talks about the neuroscience of, of consuming content, the way that we do and that kind of passive way when you're doing something else and also actively consuming content, it sticks out, it sticks in your brain in a different way. Eventually it's a really scientific way of saying it in your brain, but your cognitive recall your, the person's affinity for the brand, it all increases because of the way your brain works when you're consuming content that way. So I highly recommend just going broad, finding a bunch of podcasts, find a couple that, that really resonate with what it is that you want to learn. Podcasts like this one that combine, you know, high-level strategy with, you know, really deep how to's. Keep on that. That's that's served me really well.

Kathleen (45:17): Yeah. My favorite times to listen to podcasts are grocery shopping, vacuuming, and yard work.

Lindsay (45:23): Right. Because it makes those tasks, you actually look forward to it, right?

New Speaker (45:26): What else can you do, right? Yeah. Like, it's not like you're, you know, you're sort of trapped. Like you can't, I don't know. You can't really do much else when you're doing those things. So yeah.

Lindsay (45:36): Mine is getting ready in the morning, when I fold laundry and like post-workout when I'm like stretching and stuff.

Kathleen (45:42): All right. Well, we have reached the top of the hour. And so before we wrap up, I want to make sure folks know how to find you and get more information. So if somebody is interested in asking you a question or learning more about this, what is the best way for them to connect with you online?

Lindsay (45:58): Sure. So Casted.us is our website. Casted dot U S slash lookbook is where you can find that information, tons of examples from what our customers are doing to really bring out that content. You can find me on Twitter at @CastedLindsay or on LinkedIn. I'm really active on both.

Kathleen (46:16): Fantastic. I will put all those links in the show notes. So head there to get access to all of those resources and to follow Lindsay. And of course, if you are listening and you enjoyed today's episode, or you're learning something new, I would really love it. If you would head to Apple Podcasts or the platform of your choice and leave the podcast a review. That's how we find new listeners like yourself. And of course, if you know somebody else doing amazing inbound marketing work, tweet me at @workmommywork because I would love to make them my next guest. That's it for this week. Thank you so much, Lindsay.

Lindsay (47:00): This was a lot of fun. Thanks for having me.

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