You've created your podcast, blog, video or ebook - but if you don't promote it, will it get the results you're looking for?

This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, Repurpose House Founder Shaina Weisinger talks about the power of repurposing marketing content into video, audio, and visual assets that can be used to promote it on social media.

Her company, Repurpose House, is an end-to-end, outsourced solution for content repurposing, and her clients have been seeing some pretty impressive results when they share captioned video memes and audiograms, image quotes, and thumbnails formatted for social feeds, stories, and Youtube.

Get $200 off setup for any Repurpose House plan with promo code "INBOUNDSUCCESS"

Highlights from my conversation with Shaina include:

Repurpose House is a flat rate service that takes existing content, and turns it into micro assets for social media. Shaina uses her service for her own podcast, The Content Coalition, and estimates that she can get 10 to 12 micro assets out of each individual podcast episode. One of Shaina's clients, Endless Events, has a video podcast and by just using one repurposed asset per episode - one video podcast or one little video clip and also an image quote - within 90 days of starting to just repurpose that one content piece, they got 138% more site sessions and 300% more contacts with zero ad dollars spent. The key with repurposed content assets is to spread out the postings across platforms and on different days of the week, and to vary the message with each post.  Shaina also recommends putting some paid ad dollars behind the repurposed assets. There are many types of content that can be repurposed, from podcasts, to blogs, Facebook Live videos, speaking engagements, ebooks and more. Shaina has seen the most success from promoting repurposed content on Facebook, IGTV, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Resources from this episode:

Visit the Repurpose House website Check out The Content Coalition podcast Connect with Shaina on LinkedIn Follow Shaina on Twitter Check out the Endless Events case study to learn how that company grew site sessions by 138% and contacts by 300% with zero dollars spent on ads using Repurpose House. Visit the Repurpose House Resource Center to see videos and read articles on how to get the most mileage out of your repurposed content. Get $200 off setup for any Repurpose House Plan with promo code INBOUNDSUCCESS.

Listen to the podcast to learn how to get more mileage from your content by repurposing it and promoting it on social.


Kathleen Booth (Host): Welcome back to the Inbound Success Podcast.

I'm your host Kathleen Booth, and today my guest is Shaina Weisinger, who's the Founder and CEO of Repurpose House. Hey Shaina, welcome to the podcast.

Shaina Weisinger (Guest): Hey there. Thanks for having me.

Shaina and Kathleen hamming it up while recording this episode together .

Kathleen: Yes, I'm excited to have you here. It was fun meeting you a few weeks ago, and I am so excited to learn about Repurpose House. I got a little taste of it the other day and we're starting to test it out at IMPACT, and I think it's really cool.

Why don't you start by telling the listeners a little bit about yourself, and about Repurpose House, and what it does and how you came to start the company?

About Shaina and Repurpose House

Shaina: Yes, absolutely. Repurpose House was an iteration of two or three different original ideas, which really all fun things are, right? My background is in video production for digital marketing. I went to school for film. I was doing a lot of freelance work six years ago and I was incorporating marketing into the video production piece.

One thing that I started to do a lot for my clients was tell them, no to the videos that they wanted to produce because so many of them would come to me and be like, "I need a three minute video about how awesome my company is." And I'd be like, "Okay, but nobody cares."

Although, we create video and content that gets them to care about who you are as a business. We get them to a place where they actually want to see that video, and then it will make that video way more effective. Because to just make a three minute piece about yourself and throw it on YouTube, and hope that it gets a million views, it's crazy.

Kathleen: It's like you don't watch TV just for the commercials.

Shaina: Right. Let's just talk about you. Anyway, I was like, how about we add some strategy in this? For me, it was more about creating content that made sense in the audience's journey to get to you as a business. I started to really promote value based content.

And one thing that came out of that was creating a lot of video podcasts for clients. That to me was just a huge massive win because A, it's long form. You can get a ton out of it. It's all value-based generally speaking.

I mean, if you did a 30 minute podcast about how awesome you are, I don't know how much value you're giving to your audience consistently, but usually it's educational or story-based or something for your audience to enjoy.

Having been in the digital marketing space for so long, and knowing that the attention span of people is very, very short. To be able to have a piece of content that sits in somebody's ear or that they're watching for 10-15 minutes minimum was bonkers to me.

Because, if you get ten second view on Facebook, that's great, right? But if you have somebody listening or watching your content for 15 to 20 minutes, and my mind was blown. For me video podcasting was a really, really great way to create a good long form content strategy that you can then re-purpose.

And a part of what I was giving them were these micro assets. Putting them in a square format, the headlines, the captions, the whole deal, and taking smaller chunks out of their content so that they could use it for social media. Because generally speaking, a 20 minute video on Facebook isn't going to do a whole lot, but a one to two minute video will if it's formatted properly.

I started to pitch that idea, the actual video podcasting idea to prominent podcasters, just audio. And the more that I spoke with them, they were like, "Hey listen, we don't care about the video piece, but if you just did those repurposed assets, we'll throw our money at you."

And I was like, there's nobody who's doing this? I started to do some research and there were a lot of tools to do it yourself. There wasn't really anybody who was niching hard and just doing it for you.

Actually, Repurpose House started as podcast memes almost a year ago to the day. We went to Podcast Movement, did the whole thing. And what was interesting with that model was that we were kind of doing the same thing mostly for podcasters and we had two different audiences.

One was like, "This is amazing, we love what you do." It was a no brainer. And the other one was like, "Absolutely not." To me we were trying to figure out why we were beating our heads against the wall, in trying to pin down an audience. And we found out that the common denominator of the people who thought it was a no brainer, well, they were all marketers.

They weren't podcasting for fun. They were using it as one arm of their content marketing strategy. I was like, "Well, I know this crowd. This crowd is my favorite."

We rebranded to Repurpose House, decided we would repurpose any type of content. Audio for audiograms, video for video memes. We'll take blog posts, eBooks, we'll take a hundred words and turn them into little text motion snippets for social. And we just made it a way to help any content marketer take any type of content they've created, whether it's long form, short form and be able to optimize it the right way for social media.

We kind of take the onus of knowing what the best practices are, how the trends are changing. The best shapes, formats, algorithms. How everything's working on social and making sure that the content that people then send through our service is ready to rock and roll at the best level that it can be.

Well, Repurpose is a long story, still kind of long. Repurpose House is essentially a flat rate service that takes existing content, and we turn it into micro assets for social media. We do it on a ticket based platform.

You'll say, "Hey listen, here's a podcast episode. Here's the 90 second clip that I want out of that. And we'll turn it into a square video meme with captions. We'll do it vertical and make sure that it fits IGTV, and will preview to the feed properly.

We'll do it landscape for YouTube. We'll have the thumbnails for all of those. And then you also get the image quotes where you can take 25 words of something awesome somebody said and throw that on social media as well.

We just try to make it really simple and easy for the users to just say, "Hey, here's my content. I need to make it awesome for social and drive traffic to the original content." And that's what we're doing.

Kathleen: It's really interesting because I am absolutely squarely in your target audience, which must be why I'm so excited about this as a marketer who is also a podcaster. It's interesting to hear you tell this story, because I'm a member of several private groups for podcasters, and on Facebook.

And a lot of the conversation revolves around how much people love podcasting, but how much they really dislike all of the production work and the promotion work that goes along with it.

Most podcasters, like the art of the conversation, this part of it. Like you and I talking, they do not like editing and post production. They do not like creating all these graphics. For them it's a time suck. They'd rather be just having more conversations.

And that certainly is me also. Even though I'm a marketer by training and by day, I would rather not spend all my time on that because to do it right, it does require some time.

Anyway, I was selfishly really excited when I discovered Repurpose House, because my first thought was, yes I get to make that easier because I'd been doing it all myself. But then to hear you talk about kind of that evolution that you had, to other types of content it was interesting too.

Because I think, I owned an agency for 11 years before I came to IMPACT, and now I run our marketing department and that is a perpetual challenge. You're producing content. In our case here at IMPACT, we're producing a really high volume of content.

I mean it can be up to six new articles a day. And to try and build a strategy where you can promote that content effectively at scale is virtually impossible. We would have to hire one or more full time people to do it.

Anyway, all a long way of saying, I can completely see the need that it's filling. And I'm sure people listening can as well. I'm curious to know you've built this engine to repurpose content into these bite sized, I would call them almost, snackable memes and audio clips, things like that.

For your company itself, you really launched a year ago, correct?

Shaina: Yes.

How Shaina is Marketing and Growing Repurpose House

Kathleen: Talk me through what you're doing to grow. I'm assuming you're as they say, eating your own dog food. Or as one of my guests once said, it's much better to say drink your own champagne because nobody wants to eat dog food.

Shaina: Who was that guest?

Kathleen: Whoever that was. I like that, I'm going to use that. Are you using the product and what else are you doing to grow the company?

Shaina: Yes, we are. We're using the product. It's hard to do as I say, not as I do. Especially, when we're telling people all the best practices. Because we have clients that we've done all these awesome case studies for, and I consult on it.

Doing it yourself again is a lot of work and takes a lot of man hours. And while we were trying to get operations really tight and all of those things, we realized, well, we should probably put our money where our mouth is on this kind of stuff.

We initially started with case studies with clients, which was really, really helpful. But for us, we have our own show called The Content Coalition. I essentially took what I was doing for my clients in video production, I did it myself.

What's funny is a bunch of those episodes were actually filmed before podcast memes existed, and Repurpose House existed. They were done at Traffic and Conversion Summit in 2017 or 18. We basically took those, they were still about content, they're mostly about podcasting as a form of marketing.

But we took those, we have a bunch of new interviews with really incredible guests and we turned it into a video podcast, which then is audio video, you can see it everywhere. And we repurpose all of those episodes in to a bunch of different micro assets.

We right now our process is, we do three to four, up to two minute clips of every episode that we film. We also know that once we've run out of that content, like we're wrapping our season with 30 episodes. I we're on 25 right now, so we're going to be wrapping season one.

I looked at Sarah, my director of ops, I'm like, "We need to consistently be sending traffic to these episodes because we have the clique." I talked to one of the head marketers at Microsoft the other day, I'm like, "How are we not just consistently sending people to interviews like that?"

We know we can get 10 to 12 amazing micro assets out of each one of those episodes. We know we can turn each of those episodes into blog posts, into LinkedIn articles. We can do more than what we just do for social, but we are taking those and turning them into the micro assets, to then start driving traffic to the existing full length piece of content.

One thing we are going to be doing with them, which I had helped another client with a while back is, we're going to be taking those individual snippets and actually putting some ad budget behind them to the audience of the person who is on the podcast, to grow our audience as well. That's one way that we're going to start really trying to hit getting more people kind of into the ecosystem, and starting to nurture them and all of that.

But we have a lot of cold outreach events were a huge for us. Traffic and Conversion to me this last year was really our coming out party, if you will. I rebranded in November and I foot the bill for a booth there. Just because I'm like, if this is the audience we think-

Kathleen: These are my people.

Shaina: I'm like, if this isn't the right audience and if this is going to work, people will be excited about it. Or we'll at least, get some feedback and know how this is going to work. And that was incredible.

We've been doing a bunch of events since then and that's been super helpful growth. And start up is tough, because you're limited on human, people and resources and budgets. It's been a lot of just cold outreach, nurturing amazing relationships like with you guys. Just trying to build that way in addition to still repurposing content with a small audience that we're trying to grow too.

Kathleen: Now, you make a really interesting point about continuing to drive traffic to content assets that you may have created before the current week or month, or what have you. Because when you think about podcasts especially, I always think of it kind of like Netflix. I literally in the past week was just binge catching up on the latest season of the Handmaid's Tale.

That came out months ago. But I can go in now and for me it's fresh and I'll just tear through all whatever, eight or nine episodes of the latest season. And I think it's the same thing with the podcast. Somebody could discover any one of your episodes at any time, and all of a sudden they can become a big fan and tear through the entire series.

How Shaina Uses Repurposed Content Assets In Her Marketing Strategy

Kathleen: You've been doing this repurposing. Now, if I understand you correctly, I want to make sure I get it. You take those initial, I think you said 12 assets that you create and you promote them right away, I assume. Then do you also have some sort of schedule you follow while you're promoting them out into the future?

Shaina: Yes. We use a goal pulse to schedule all of our social media posting. What we'll do is, initially when the episode launches, we will do kind of a run through that week of video memes, audio... all be video memes and the image quotes. It'll be like the small quote that they said, a start usually super helpful and we'll post those immediately when the episode launches.

We usually do one little asset of me just talking to camera right after I interviewed it, to talking about the three most impactful moments of that episode. And I'll go out the day before as a teaser, and then we just stagger and drop those little micro assets throughout the week.

What Is The Impact That Repurposing Content Can Have On Traffic and Leads?

Shaina: We actually have one client who does this incredibly well. I actually talk about it in my deck every time I speak, because they have a video podcast, kind of like what we do. They talk to industry experts in the event planning field.

And they just used one repurpose asset per episode, one video podcast or one little video clip and also an image quote. And in 90 days of starting to just repurpose that one content piece, they got 138% more site sessions, hits to their website, 300% more contacts of people who opted into continuously get their information. They spent zero dollars.

Kathleen: Wow.

Shaina: And this was all just, all organic social media posting that was super strategic. They made sure they were staggering that same post, they made sure they were posting across all of the different platforms. They were utilizing groups really well. Engaging in conversations and stuff. And to me they use HubSpot, so we were literally able to track absolutely everything.

But I was excited to see their results and when they actually came to the table with the physical graphs that I was looking at, I was floored. Because I was like, "You spent zero dollars, this all came from this one campaign in 90 days and you literally repurposed at one time into two different assets and it just went crazy."

It's been really cool to see they're kind of a machine. They know how to do it really well. It's been fun to see how they did it, and now I get to tell other people how they did it as well. And we're going to basically follow the same protocol ourselves because if they're able to make it happen on zero dollars, I'm down to do that too.

How To Promote Repurposed Content

Kathleen: Yes. Can we dig into that a little deeper? How did they do it? Are there any specifics around how they scheduled, or how they formatted their posts or the channels they used?

Shaina: Yeah, absolutely. There's tons of it. First of all, there's a downloadable PDF on our site, where we literally give away the form on how they did it.

Kathleen: I'll put that link in the show notes.

Click here to learn how Endless Events used repurposed content assets to increase site sessions by 138% and contacts by 300%, with zero dollars spent on ads.

Shaina: Yes, for sure. It's a full download. On the site. It kind of just breaks it down like a little bit how they did it. But the download will actually go through every platform like what they did specifically. But the overall general way they did it was, they made sure to stagger their posts across all the different platforms on different days.

They didn't do a blast all in one day on all of the different channels because, what if one of your amazing target audience members is just out of commission on a Wednesday, and that's the day you put all of your stuff on all of the channels. That doesn't make sense.

They made sure that Wednesday was Facebook feeds, Thursday was Instagram feeds. Friday was IGTV. And then they kept going with stories and all of those. They also said that they changed the copy for all of the different platforms as well.

And not just to fit the audience but also just to trigger other thoughts, because they said maybe it could be a copy thing. That if the person who is on LinkedIn saw it there and didn't watch it, it may have been because of the copy.

If they saw it on Facebook and the copy was different, that may have triggered them a little bit differently and they were more enticed to watch that small piece of content.

Kathleen: Now, you mean the copy, not the copy on the actual meme, but the copy associated with like the caption or what have you?

Shaina: Correct. Yes, the copy on like the actual platform. Like, "Oh my gosh, this episode is super cool." Then it's the actual piece of content. They would change that copy on every single platform, and also the different places within the platform that they would post it.

Another thing they were saying is the way that they posted pictures was unique as well. Instead of just throwing the image quote, because they'll do a quote and then an image of the guest. They make sure always to tag the guests. I feel that's obvious. Cross promotions are really big deal.

Then, they also made sure to post it in different ways. They would do just the individual image, on a Tuesday on Facebook or whatever. I mean don't quote me on the dates, you know what I'm saying?

Kathleen: Yes.

Shaina: They'll just post the one individual image and then they get three images out of each episode because they usually have multiple guests. They'll do one image, they'll do one image and then, they'll also post them as an album and highlight the album. And then they'll post them in the groups and then they'll have a different copy.

What we do is eight different assets for each repurpose like these. And they just took them and just lost their minds with them and posted them everywhere. I'll bet they got like 30 to 35 posts out of just the one little clip every single week.

Kathleen: That's amazing.

Shaina: Yes.

Kathleen: It was crazy. They do all this, call it in week one if you will. And then do they have a schedule for if this is a really good asset, I'm going to repost it every X weeks to the same channel. Are they doing that as well?

Shaina: For as far as I know, no. They are a content powerhouse. They are constantly creating the most incredible long form content. I don't know that he's doing a lot of pushing back to prior episodes, which to me is kind of crazy. Because if you had one to five episodes, that just crushed consistently, why not continuously send people to that piece of content?

And it's funny because I'll hear it from other clients or other like marketers and, well everybody already saw that. Everybody already saw that post?

Kathleen: Everybody did not already see that.

Shaina: Maybe your audience at that moment, 50% of them, if that saw that. But you can always send people to evergreen content or content that's just super interesting. I don't know that they're doing a lot of that. This was all just based on new episodes, weekly repurposing those episodes specifically for social media.

Combining Content Repurposing With Paid Ads

Kathleen: That is so interesting. I'm intrigued by what you're talking about with doing paid ads, targeting the audiences of the people that are your guests on your show. You have not started that yet, correct?

Shaina: I haven't. I've helped other businesses do it. And it's pretty cool, because generally speaking, we're chatting here and if the roles were reversed and it was my show, your audience is my audience. And I would assume it's vice versa. Right?

If I were to go ahead and if you have a big following yourself, and I'm going to put some ad spin behind getting in front of your audience, I'm awesome by association. They already think you're awesome, right?

Why am I not going to throw some ad spend into getting some exposure with somebody who they're already excited about? That kind of just picks interest of, well, who else do they have on their show, if they're already talking to this person that I follow.

Kathleen: Yes, that's a great idea. You've been testing out, or not even testing. You've been regularly using your product for yourself. Can you talk through any other results that you've gotten in terms of growth from the repurposing or from some of the other things you're doing?

Shaina: Yes. The repurposing for us is tough because we just started to get on the bandwagon of really being consistent. We just hired a Social Media Manager. That's a thing that we're super excited about.

I don't have a lot to promote on how we have seen benefit because we've been trying to get our clients to see benefits and make sure that our process is trial tried.

Yes, exactly. For me this whole business has been about user experience. I want it to be super clean and easy when you come in and I want it to be, I don't want to add more stress to your content marketing. The whole point of doing this for you is to make you just feel you've crossed something off of your list and don't have to worry about it.

One of the big things for us has been focusing on making sure the user experience has been great. Social media has kind of taken a backseat because... startup mode. But that's something that the next quarter we're going to be really cranking out. I'm happy to follow up and let you know how we see results on that. But-

What Types of Content Assets Can Be Repurposed?

Kathleen: Yes, I would love to hear about that. Let's talk a little bit about non podcast promotion because certainly not everyone who's listening has a podcast, but most of my listeners, if not all of them are doing some form of content marketing.

They definitely have this pain point of, "I've invested all this time and energy into this blog or this premium piece of content, now what?" I would love to hear a little bit more about how some of your clients are using Repurpose House to promote those assets. What that looks like, how do you turn a blog into different visual assets, et cetera?

Shaina: Blogs are one of my favorites. And it's funny because not a lot of people know how to make those social media savvy. People will put a link to their blog post and be like, "Oh my gosh, this is one great snippet out of it." And then they think that that's it. They just have to keep posting the link.

Well, we all know links on Facebook don't do well because Facebook wants you to stay in Facebook. It's like how do you now make a piece of content that is utilizing all that energy and time spent on a really great blog post.

And we're doing it in the form of text motion videos because video gets way more engagement than any other type of content online. The stats are crazy about it. It's like 1200% more engagement on video than text and images combined.

In order to take a piece of text and turn it into video, we just do text motion videos. We'll keep it in the same format. We'll still keep it square with the big headline and any call to action on that piece of content. Then in the middle you'll see up to a hundred words of that blog post that will populate kind of those goal cast videos.

Or you've seen those online where it's, "The top three places to visit in Hawaii," or whatever. We make them look real, trendy and fun. You can put like stock imagery or stock video behind it, have really cool texts coming in and out. They're all branded to your brand.

What you can do with that is take up to a hundred words, which usually equals out to about 90 seconds, and which is about the sweet spot for social. And you can put a really great impactful snippet of your blog post in there. And then your call to action can be to read the rest of the blog posts. Go here.

And we'll tell our clients to create a short link. A Bitly link or something that's easy to remember, because we'll actually put it on the video file to avoid Facebook being angry about you putting a link in the copy.

But you can do as many of those as you have, a 100 word snippets in your blog posts that can stand alone, which should be a lot if you're creating good content. You're able to get a lot of views on content that is on your website that doesn't traditionally work well on social media. And then if people who really resonate with it want to see more, then they know where to go every single time.

Kathleen: Now, have you also seen any results from, you've got the Bitly in the actual asset. One of the things I've heard people say is you should then also put the link in the first comment. For the same reason, like don't put it in the post itself, put it in the comment. Have you tested that out at all?

Shaina: Yes, we always. That's what we do. That's what we tell our clients to do. You got to make it easy for the user to click through. We'll just put the short link regardless. Just in case somebody is scrolling and they don't take that much initiative. But then to think that they're going to go through and actually type in a Bitly link, who knows? Right?

Kathleen: Never know.

Shaina: I know. Well, the thing is... and also the social media powers that be get smarter and smarter every day. I'm kind of like, at some point they're going to eliminate that whole link on comments or deal. We're just kind of trying to stay out of it.

Kathleen: Right.

Shaina: I definitely say in comments we use for like Instagram, we use Linktree. I tell clients about that constantly. If you can add as many links in Linktree as you want depending on what's that you have.

What that means is, for those you don't know what Linktree is. In Instagram, you get one link in your bio and that's it. You better make it a good one. What Linktree does is you click it and it opens up and it gives you multiple links that you can have people click on.

We'll say like, for the latest episode of the Content Coalition, click this link. Or for the website, click here. For the downloadable PDF on this, click here. You can give all of these options to send people somewhere instead of having to put those links in copy, which doesn't even work in Instagram anyway.

Kathleen: Yes, those link in bio tools are really cool. I know just as an Instagram user, I really enjoy them, especially for media companies. A great example I always cite of a company that does link in bio really well is The Today Show. They do a really good job of posting pictures on their feed with little teasers, and they tell you just enough that you I need to know, what this is about.

Then, it's always click the linking bio and then they have a really good robust linking bio platform that you can then dive deeper into all the stories. That that's something I just don't think a lot of brand marketers are doing well at this point.

Shaina: What's so tough is there's just so many different ways to market that it's like a fire hose in the face. You've got to figure out what types of pieces to drink up and really do well. It's hard to say, do all of it great because it's a lot to take in.

Then you've got LinkedIn on top of it now, you know. And there's just so many different platforms that for me, what I try to tell people who are really, they want to do all of it. Pick one or two that you can do really great and just do it really, really well.

And then once you get the hang of that, then start bringing in more because to try to knock down all those dominoes at once that are lined up next to each other that doesn't, it's too much work. You have to come up with clean processes and systems that work well in one or two different platforms and then move on from there.

Kathleen: Right.

Shaina: And I think it's about knowing your audience. Is your audience more likely to be on Instagram or on LinkedIn or on Facebook? Where are you're going to invest your time is really where your audience is.

Kathleen: Right. That's great. Are there any other types of content? We talked about podcasts and blogs. Any other types of content that people produce that they could repurpose in the way you're describing?

Shaina: Yes, there's so many. It's crazy. Any time you get in front of a camera and talk or have some sort of presentation, that can all be repurposed. We do a lot with speaking engagements.

If you go and speak at a bunch of different conferences, those are great because usually they're 38 minutes to 45 minutes. There's so much that we can take out of those. And what's crazy and multiple of those, then you've got tons of different pieces of content.

Also seeing an influencer speak on stage also gives authority as well. That is a really, really great thing to repurpose. Webinars are really helpful, if you're giving information, those do well.

We have one guy who's got the most incredible process in repurposing his Facebook lives. He does his Facebook Live every day. Thus he downloads it from Facebook, he uploads it to Google Drive. It triggers like 94,000 zaps and it goes to even all these different ways, and then one of those zaps is sending it into Repurpose House.

And then what we don't have is zap. But one of those zaps is the person gets notified to send it to him.

Kathleen: I know you guys need a zap. That would be an amazing...

Shaina: Wouldn't that be amazing? But he does Facebook Lives, and so now I've started to do my Facebook Lives landscape, so that I can then put them into the video memes. We could do the vertical and then pop them into a different template.

But those have been doing really well. Really anything video wise. We do eBooks, actual books. Honestly, it's any kind of content you can really fathom that you create for any platform. We can 99% of the time, turn that into a repurposed asset and make it work for social media.

How Much Does Repurpose House Cost?

Kathleen: That's great. If you're listening and you're creating content, so many options available here. Now, I don't mean to make this a commercial for Repurpose House, but it is such a cool tool and I'm sure people are wondering how much does it cost? Can you share anything around that?

Shaina: Yes, sure. We have two plans with add-ons that you can add to either. The basic plan is basically one ticket a week. This works great for podcasters. We have a lot of podcasters in this. You would basically submit one ticket, one ticket is going to be one asset repurposed one way.

You'll say, "Hey, here's my podcast episode between two minutes and 30 seconds and four minutes and 30 seconds. That's my clip. Here's what I want my headline to be. Here's my image quote, go. And then if you submit by 5:00 PM Monday by Friday you get all of those assets drip to you in its completion."

It's a square video meme, landscape video meme, vertical. You get all the images and all the different sizes and thumbnails. That's $279 a month. If you want to do more than just the one a week. This is honest. This is where everybody sits is in the influencer package.

It's $479 a month, but you get one of those full tickets per business day. You submit by 5:00 PM, and you get it all back by 8:00 AM the next day. I don't suggest being in the platform everyday because I don't even want to be there.

We tell people to front load. Like a Monday, go through, submit all five of your tickets for the week and then just know that they're going to drip out to you one every business day and you've got content for days that you can then go ahead and post and put into your schedule or and make sure that you're good to go and it's clean. And then we have add-ons, we can actually do the tickets for you. We have a content curator who has a meeting with your team.

We talk about the types of content you want consistently repurpose the brand, voice your audience and then we'll go through the content and submit tickets on your behalf. You can decide, if you want two of those a week, then the remaining three you have a week your team can handle.

If you have consistent content like your blog that goes out every week or your podcast that goes out every week. Those are really great ones for us to go through and find the content pieces. And then you can have the remaining tickets for your team to do one offs that are about things that are happening that are current, just to have a little freedom to post yourself.

And then lastly, we have a two minute limit on all of the different content pieces that you can submit. We have what's called super tickets now because with IGTV, I have some friends who are power users. And they're like IGTV's algorithm is crazy and awesome. And if we aren't posting their first, like the feeds aren't getting anything anymore.

We now do an up to a 10 minute max on tickets, so you can purchase those if you know you have longer form content that you want to post IGTV and yes, that's just an add on also.

Kathleen: I love that you have the option to have somebody carry that for you because I think that's the next pain point honestly. Is if somebody wants to offload it, odds are they want to offload it all. That's great that that's an option.

Shaina: Yes. That's really great for the... generally speaking, if it's a new piece of content, somebody who's been in it recently, it's easy for them to say, "Okay, here's a great little section."

But if you're repurposing evergreen content, that's amazing. From way back then, I have to go back through and make that a part of your process. It's a lot. For you to be able to say, "Hey, here's the blog from the last six months, just go." It's so much easier to just delegate that out and let somebody else handle it.

What Channels Work Best For Repurposing Content?

Kathleen: Now, do you just anecdotally, do you see any particular channels or formats that are really killing it? Or any that are emerging?

Shaina: LinkedIn is massive. I mean just the reach that you're able to get. I don't think it's going to last forever, but I think that it's like Facebook before it turned into completely pay to play. It's really exciting to be able to link the way that you can there. IGTV is really, really good right now.

I mean at any of our clients that switched to posting to IGTV, and then previewing to the feed are getting way more results. I've seen that myself personally with my own posts. Instagram is definitely favoring IGTV posts that then preview.

Those are the two ones that I say always post. I think that people forget about YouTube also. Like making sure that you're posting your repurposed assets to YouTube and actually we'll give you the caption file, so that it all becomes searchable for SEO. Making sure that you're utilizing YouTube in addition to the social media platforms is huge.

Because when people go to search for a how to or education, they're not going into Facebook and searching how to, change a tire. They're going into Google or YouTube to do it, and YouTube is the second most used search engine. It's also owned by Google.

Anytime somebody searches for anything, they're going to find it. And if you have video content, put it on YouTube too so that it's able to be found there as well.

How to Get In Touch With Shaina or Repurpose House

Kathleen: Now, if somebody wants to learn more about Repurpose House or how to do this right. Assuming they're going to get either get a bunch of repurposed assets from you or they might DIY at themselves. What's the best way for them to learn how to do it right on Instagram? How to do it right on LinkedIn? Are there any really good sources of information for best practices on that?

Shaina: Yes. We try to keep our resource center updated. We have a lot of how tools, I'm really big on just showing you how to do it. Because we can talk ambiguously all day long but I have videos on our resource center that literally walk you through, and granted it all changes consistently.

We try to keep it up to date as quickly as possible. So here's always that. I also am doing a webinar where we do a full fledge course, where you can literally learn how to do all of the posting properly.

Actually repurposing your own content. How I learned how to do it myself when I was doing it, with my team for other clients outside of using our service. There's a lot of really cool... I just finished our course and it's robust and it literally shows you A to Z how to.

The type of content to curate, how to curate it efficiently and not waste your time going through 94 different pieces of content, ineffectively. How to repurpose it and then how to also post it and get it.

Basically talks about that case study that I spoke about too and walks through each of those pieces individually. That is actually launching next week. I have lot things now, but I will have a link there by that time.

Kathleen: By the time this goes live it'll be up. Definitely, we'll be including that link in the show notes.

Shaina: Awesome.

Kathleen's Two Questions

Kathleen: That's so interesting. All right, before we wrap up, I want to ask you a couple of questions that I always ask all my guests. The first is when it comes to inbound marketing, you work with a lot of companies that are putting out content, doing online lead gen. When it comes to inbound marketing, is there a particular person or a company that you think is really killing it right now?

Shaina: It's Endless Events. They're ones that we did the case study with. They are the kings of content. And Will, is the founder, I have known him for six years. And he was with HubSpot in making sure that he could track everything and every single content piece that he creates.

This video podcast I was telling you about that they got all these results from, you also have to opt in to even view the content. He literally, initially it was your email address and your name, and then he was like, let's just test it and see how much information we can get. The more fields he put for you to fill out, the higher the opt-ins he got.

Kathleen: Kind of intuitive?

Shaina: Right. He tests and he's very meticulous about making sure he knows what works and the sheer amount of content that they put out consistently is incredible to me. They're definitely somebody to follow, and see what their content strategy looks like. It's pretty good.

Kathleen: That's great. I cannot wait to check them out. They sound like they're really doing some cool stuff. Now the other question is, and you hit on this already. Being a digital marketer these days is like drinking from a fire hose, and trying to stay up to date with everything that's changing in the world of digital marketing is really, really hard. How do you personally educate yourself and stay up to date on everything?

Shaina: Oh man. I'm always scrolling through search terms that I'm like, "Okay, I need to get to down this." And then it literally, like I said, it turns into like a Google search and then a top, any of the top posts by any of the people that I really respect.

Neil Patel's a great resource. Any of like the HubSpot blogs or just things that... it's literally a client will generally bring it to our attention because they'll have a great question. We have three power clients who are always like, "Hey, are you doing this or have you seen this?"

I'll get text messages from Matt. I'm like, "Okay, oh, I'm an expert now that I've googled it." Well, it's funny because I get a lot of questions that come up from clients and then I'm like we should know this. If it's something that's popping up that we don't know about, we have to stay on top of it.

Then it turns into going into the people who are doing it really well and finding out why they're doing it and how it's working. A lot of it is just random searching. I like to follow people who are doing it well online.

Like Gary V, I follow him everywhere. I like to see what he's doing because he's kind of the voice of content on social. Anything he's doing, when I see tweaks or changes to any of his content, I'm curious and I'm seeing what it is that they're doing and why. Just following the right people who are always ahead has been really helpful for us.

Kathleen: Neil Patel and Garry V... anybody else that really stands out for you?

Shaina: Those are the two big ones. I mean, obviously we keep up with DigitalMarketer and all of their clients, which is super cool. Max actually from them, he's always the one. He's like, "Did you see this?" I'm like, "Yes I did. I'm so excited."

Those are really the big ones. Sarah does a ton the research on this stuff too. I don't know who her main hitters are. I know they're a little different than mine, but those are the big ones.

Learn More About Repurpose House

Kathleen: Those are some great names. I'll definitely check those out. All right, well if somebody wants to learn more about Repurpose House, or get in touch with you, what is the best way for them to do that?

Shaina: Sure. The website is It kind of goes through exactly how we do what we do, and how it works as a service. Obviously, we're on social media. It's going to be repurposehousesco on all of the different platforms. And I'm Shaina Wesinger, on all the platforms.

I'm mostly engaged on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is where I'm really trying to personally hit. That's where you'll see a lot of my stuff and feel free to link with me there.

You Know What To Do Next...

Kathleen: Great. Well I'll include all of those links in the show notes, so check that out if you want to connect with Shaina, or find out more about Repurpose House. Or check out the new course or any of those case studies.

And if you're listening and you liked what you heard, of course, I would love it if you would leave the podcast a five star review on Apple Podcasts or the platform of your choice.

And if you know somebody else who is doing kick-ass inbound marketing work, tweet me @workmommywork, because I would love to make them my next interview. Thanks so much Shaina.

Shaina: Awesome. Thank you.

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