
The podcast is an anthology of short stories and/or story snippets submitted by a friendly group of writers. The first episode is made up of three original stories, each differing in length, style, and content.

- Gods of the Erasi
- Lost dreams
- My little Knight


Gods of the Erasi

Author - Sean Price

Preacher - Aubrey Poppleton - @PoppletronVA (

Lost dreams

Author - Megumi L.Greene

Protagonist/Narrator - Dia Altieri - Seirenis (

Alfredo - Zozane - Zozane (

Female customer - Gina M - @GinaM9816 (

Ticket inspector - Joe Kearney - @thedudejoe (

Peddler - FaelanC - FaelanC (

Ranuccia -Thomas Norman - (

My little knight

Author - Joseph J. Reyes

Narrator - David Cook - CCC profile (

Caroline - Gina M - @GinaM9816 (

Shambling Mound - Tony “Endsinger” Gascon - (

Hiram - CatOptimist - CatOptimist (

Witch - Douglas Dausch - @i.M.hoshi (

Music Used

Sentinel by Kai Engel under an Attribution License.

Homeroad by Kai Engel under an Attribution License.

Gibraltar by Unheard Music Concepts under an Attribution License.

ElPiano_Leslie_Chords_1 by Sorento under an Attribution License.

Desert Caravan by Aaron Kenny from the Youtube audio library.

Art provided by Unja Hassinen

Contact us @ [email protected]

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