Spring into May with Teresa Watkins, gardening expert In Your Backyard. Mind the neighbors on May 4th, it's World Naked Gardening Day. May is also the last month to fertilize these plants in your landscape.

Last chance to be part of Teresa's private Buffalo Garden Walk tour July 18th - 21st, 2019. [Check out the fantastic, all-inclusive details.](https://us13.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/show?id=1719849)

Why can't you use mothballs in the garden? Not to repel snakes, it doesn't work but Teresa explains [the big reason.](http://npic.orst.edu/ingred/ptype/mothball/regulation.html?fbclid=IwAR3GZowYFjv40JD3PgNSHi56u2RUFfDrWBaQZRRHdbQw8zUFUm0nCnRNqbU)

Randy Schultz, president of [Schultz Communications](http://www.schultzpr.com/) and content editor of [HomeGardenandHomestead](http://www.HomeGardenandHomestead.com), an online national gardening website stops by to provide new garden flowers and garden tools for Mom that will bring smiles and hugs on Mother's Day. 

Find Randy's Mother's Day gardening gifts: 

[Garden Auger - Power Planter](https://powerplanter.com/)

[Cobrahead Garden Tools](https://www.cobrahead.com/)

[Vertex Lifetime Tomator Cages](https://www.gardeners.com/buy/gardeners-vertex-lifetime-tomato-cage/8598426.html)

[Logee's Tropical Plants](http://www.Logees.com) - Begonia "Martha Stewart", Desert Rose "Joyful", Cape Primrose "Remembering John."

"[Peppy Le Pom" Dwarf Pomegranate](https://www.gardencrossings.com/shrubs/punica-peppy-le-pom)

"[After Midnight" English Lavender](https://www.highcountrygardens.com/perennial-plants/lavender/lavandula-flowerkisser-after-midnight-english-lavender)

Sign up for ["In Your Backyard" monthly newsletter](https://mailchi.mp/db1edc00e78b/march-in-your-backyard-issue-1-gardening-in-1726965?e=[UNIQID]) for more landscape advice for Florida gardeners.

Spring into May with Teresa Watkins, gardening expert In Your Backyard. Mind the neighbors on May 4th, it's World Naked Gardening Day. May is also the last month to fertilize these plants in your landscape.

Last chance to be part of Teresa's private Buffalo Garden Walk tour July 18th - 21st, 2019. Check out the fantastic, all-inclusive details.

Why can't you use mothballs in the garden? Not to repel snakes, it doesn't work but Teresa explains the big reason.

Randy Schultz, president of Schultz Communications and content editor of HomeGardenandHomestead, an online national gardening website stops by to provide new garden flowers and garden tools for Mom that will bring smiles and hugs on Mother's Day. 

Find Randy's Mother's Day gardening gifts: 

Garden Auger - Power Planter

Cobrahead Garden Tools

Vertex Lifetime Tomator Cages

Logee's Tropical Plants - Begonia "Martha Stewart", Desert Rose "Joyful", Cape Primrose "Remembering John."

"Peppy Le Pom" Dwarf Pomegranate

"After Midnight" English Lavender

Sign up for "In Your Backyard" monthly newsletter for more landscape advice for Florida gardeners.