What is Ethics Bowl? "It's kind of like debate . . . but its nicer." 😂  Four years after competing in the national Ethics Bowl together, Santa Fe College alumnae Lucy Frank is in grad school at Florida State University and Taylor Adams is studying veterinarian medicine at the University of Florida. Both of them continue to use skills they learned in Ethics Bowl every day of their lives. In an increasingly polarized world, you might find yourself dreading the holidays and the unsavory dinner table dynamics that can accompany them. Consider setting the table this year with some of Lucy and Taylor's ground rules for civil discourse. 

The Center for Applied Ethics & Humanities at Santa Fe College (SF) promotes the values of honesty, integrity, and civility, as well as individual, social, and global responsibility. It fosters appreciation for ethical reasoning and encourages and supports active engagement with ethics and humanities in our communities – in thought and action, (((In Word And Deed))). This podcast, a product of the center, features SF faculty, students and alumni engaging in dialogue around critical ethical issues. The first season, "Dinner Table Dynamics," features current and former members of SF’s nationally ranked Ethics Bowl team and fellows in the Intercollegiate Civil Disagreement Partnership. They encourage listeners to practice civil discourse as they head home for the holidays, and into extended family discussions. Learn more at sfcollege.edu/ethics. Share your thoughts (and actions) with @santafecollege using #InWordAndDeed.