Sarah Williams (she/her), Partner and Chief Creative Officer at Beardwood&Co., joins to chat about how we brought our design and strategy agency’s operations and relationships online at the start of the pandemic, how consumers are forming new rituals and brands are adapting to them, and the importance of young people in keeping our creative process fresh and relevant.

“Make it happen with what you’ve got”— are words that were spoken frequently at Sarah’s house growing up, and she still lives by them today. Take on the challenge, be smart about finding the best solution, and inspire those around you by doing great work together. Sarah has a passion for brands with ambition and a focus on meaningful leadership with clients—understanding their business challenges, and delivering impactful creative to unlock their full potential. Sarah joined Beardwood&Co. in the agency's infancy and is proud of the all-star team they’ve assembled. She began her career at Landor launching Song Airlines, getting foodie with Burger King and PepsiCo, and later telling the story of CBGB’s.

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Check out the Beardwood&Co. website
Follow Beardwood&Co. on Instagram: @beardwoodco

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