Previous Episode: Sefi Atta, Author

Jude Dibia is a Nigerian author, resident in Lagos, Nigeria. He is the author of 2 published novels; Walking with Shadows, his first novel, deals with homosexuality in Nigeria and was published in 2005 and short-listed for the ANA/NDDC Ken Saro-Wiwa Prize for prose in 2006; Unbridled, his second novel, about a woman and the abusive relationships she […]

Jude Dibia is a Nigerian author, resident in Lagos, Nigeria. He is the author of 2 published novels; Walking with Shadows, his first novel, deals with homosexuality in Nigeria and was published in 2005 and short-listed for the ANA/NDDC Ken Saro-Wiwa Prize for prose in 2006; Unbridled, his second novel, about a woman and the abusive relationships she endures throughout her life, won the 2007 ANA/NDDC Ken Saro-Wiwa Prize for prose and was also a finalist for the Nigerian Prize for Literature 2008. His third novel, Blackbird (working title), a story about people displaced within their own society, will be published in the 1st quarter of 2010.

Jude Dibia kindly granted us the time out of his short vacation from the fast pace of Lagos, to interview him. We on behalf of our audience on would like to get to know Jude Dibia, in his own words.

(60 mins):

About a month ago, at the beginning of July, we got an email and it read:

Dear editor,

I discovered your site recently and was impressed. I’m a novelist resident in Nigeria and would like to contribute a short story to your prose section. 

I discovered that I could not do this, however, as I am not a member of this site. I will like to know how to submit this story.

Kind regards,

Jude Dibia

We responded that you had to be registered on to be able to submit articles and that we were looking forward to receiving the article. Several emails later, we received the article and after reading it we were in awe. We sent back a note saying we were happy and honored to publish the short story on and we did, that day. In just a short few days it had generated so many hits and comments, and today, The Last Pill, has generated over 500 hits and several comments. At least two print media in Nigeria have picked up the story after reading it on

You can check out Jude Dibia’s blog here: Jude Dibia’s Blog