Previous Episode: Redemption | The Mandalorian

Where is the destiny we need? That’s the question Mikey Mason asks in this week’s podcast. While Marc Gunn questions the challenges women must face in male-dominated world. Both songs were inspired by episode 4 of season 1, “Of Banquets, Bastards, and Burials”.

Find out on this week's In the 'Verse podcast #2.8. 


- Upcoming Shows, Marc and Mikey News

- 5-Minute Plot Synopsis / Show Discussion

- This Week’s Songs


MARC: Welcome to In The Verse, the podcast that makes music inspired by popular media.  I am Marc Gunn, the creator of the Firefly Drinking Songs show and host of Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.

MIKEY: And I’m Mikey Mason, creator of the Beer Powered Time Machine Podcast and currently the MIKEYtalks podcast.

MARC: This is episode EIGHT of our new 10 episode season of the In The Verse Podcast.

MIKEY: Since we ran out of episodes of Firefly to discuss and write about, we’ll be finding inspiration in episodes of other media; TV shows, Comic Books, Cartoons, but definitely not video games.

MARC: As always, you can support us in this and other creative endeavors by supporting Mikey at 

MIKEY: And by supporting Marc at 



EVERY WEDS, Coffee with The Celtfather on Patreon @ 11:30 AM ET

FEB 10: The Lost Druid Brewery, Avondale Estates, GA @ 6:30-9:30 PM

FEB 15: Hobbit Drinking Songs on Bandcamp @ 7:30 PM

FEB 17: Goblin Market: Frost Faire @ 6:00-10:30 PM

FEB 24: Maggie McGuinness Pub, Huntsville, AL @ 7:00 PM 

MAR 9: Senoia Beer Company, Senoia, GA @ 7-10 PM

MAR 23-24: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX

MAR 30-31: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX

APR 19-21: Jordan Con, Crowne Plaza Ravinia, Atlanta, GA

JUN 8-15: Celtic Invasion of the Isle of Man


Monthly online shows.

New Music every Monday on Patreon.



In the Verse can now be found at 

Marc: Make100 Kickstarter for Podcast Merch. Revamping Celtfather Podcast, Redoing Pub Songs & Stories

Mikey: Mason+Vaughn Project

PLOT SYNOPSIS & DISCUSSION (Ripped straight from Wikipedia)

MIKEY - So, the thing about the Witcher series, especially in Season One, is that there are several potentially confusing time jumps that have to be tracked. To understand the full scope of these jumps and the impact they have on the story, it’s almost necessary to have watched the entire Season. In spite of this, we’ll do our best. This synopsis is heavily pulled from Wikipedia, and slightly modified, but absolutely doesn’t cover everything that happened in the episode.

MARC - In the year 1240, having served the kingdom of Aedirn for thirty years, Yennefer, along with Queen Kalis of Lyria, is ambushed by an assassin. In the ensuing chase, Yennefer flees, unable to save Kalis and her newborn daughter from the assassin. 

MIKEY - Then, in 1249, Geralt accompanies Jaskier to the betrothal feast of Princess Pavetta, Queen Calanthe's of Cintra’s daughter. Urcheon of Erlenwald (also named Duny) interrupts to demand Pavetta's hand through the Law of Surprise, having saved her father's life several years earlier. 

MARC - The Law of Surprise is an ancient law inspired by European folklore, requiring that someone who is saved by someone else should offer them a boon, the nature of which is often unknown to both parties. For instance, the savior might ask for “the first thing that comes to greet you when you return home,” or “what you find at home yet don’t expect.”

MIKEY - Urcheon suffers from a curse that transformed him into a humanoid hedgehog creature. Despite Pavetta's acceptance of the betrothal, Calanthe refuses and a brawl ensues. When Calanthe tries killing Urcheon, Pavetta activates her power, unleashing a  maelstrom until Geralt and Mousesack (the druid/mage who serves Calanthe) intervene. 

MARC - Wanting her daughter happy, Calanthe marries Duny and Pavetta, which lifts his curse. Duny, thankful for Geralt's aid, insists he take a reward. Geralt jokingly invokes the Law of Surprise for something Duny has but does not yet know. The crowd then immediately learns Pavetta is pregnant with Duny’s child. They’d been in love for some time. 

MIKEY - In 1263, Nilfgaard's forces resume their pursuit of Cirilla (aka Ciri), Pavetta's daughter, with Mousesack as their prisoner. Meanwhile, Cirilla and Dara encounter the dryad queen Eithne in Brokilon Forest, while Cahir and Fringilla track Ciri's location.


Mikey: Marc and I make our living as full-time musicians. We love creating this podcast and sharing our music for you. But it would be near impossible to release as much great music and podcasts if it wasn’t for the generosity of people just like you.

Marc: So if you enjoyed this show, please support what you love. Your generosity pays for the production and promotion of our music and this podcast. 

Mikey: Thank you so very much to the amazing Patreon patrons who help keep the music being made, my incredible Misfits, especially Ora M., Rev Chris Adotta Smith, Drk Unicorn, Amy Stuart, Michael Khandelwal, Josh Logan, Les Howard, Brian Jackey, Strahd von Zarovich, Scot Mealy, Scott Wienhusen, Matt & Tracy Jackson, and the Hobbits: Jeremy D Jackson and Jennifer Lewis.

Marc: I am extremely grateful to everyone who supports my Gunn Runners Club on Patreon. You are all so generous with your support. Thanks to my newest Patron: Bob Harford, mom, Cecilia Fairley, Not Higgins, C.J.T. Maxwell, Sarah Crockett, Bill Mandeville, William McKissack, TD, Beth Bailey, Gina King Brown, Carol Baril, Scott & Anita Gorrell, LauraMay George, Schellie Neill, Eric Ray, Troy Rodgers, Angela Hughes, Scott Wienhusen


Ripper Street - 


Marc: Thanks so much for listening. You can download many of our songs when you sign up on our Patreon pages. Find out more about Marc Gunn and Mikey Mason and how to support our music on Patreon. 

Mikey: We would love your comments, suggestions, songs and lyrics or links to videos to share in the next show. Use the hashtag #InTheVerse. You can post them on the Blue Sun Tour Facebook page or email [email protected] 

Marc: In the ‘Verse was produced by Marc Gunn and Mikey Mason. Sign up on our website and find out more about us and the show at