Next Episode: Not a Crisis

In our first episode of the New Year, Maria and Julio discuss the latest in immigration policy: the deaths of two migrant kids detained by U.S. Border Patrol after crossing the southern border. They also talk about the urgency of a more objective —and more humane— media coverage on immigration issues and take a look at the challenges that lay ahead for the new and most diverse Congress to be sworn in.

ITT Staff Picks:

The Washington Post examines Trump administration's lack of an effective policy to save children’s lives, not only at the border but all over the US as a consequence of gun violence and the opioid epidemic.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fights back after the release of an old video of her dancing when she was an undergraduate student at Boston University.  

Three narratives to nix from immigration reporting in 2019, from ITT guest, Tina Vasquez at Rewire.News


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