A new DHS report revealed dangerous overcrowding at a detention center in El Paso, Texas. But for immigration reporters who have been following the issue closely, this wasn’t really a surprise. Julio and guest co-host Tina Vasquez, senior immigration reporter for Rewire.News, are joined by Tanvi Misra, immigration reporter for CQ-Roll Call, and Fernanda Echavarri, immigration reporter for Mother Jones, to discuss the latest with immigration and the border. Plus, they talk about how their own reporting highlights how Trump's policies are really impacting communities on the ground.

ITT Staff Picks:

Read Tina Vasquez’s latest series on the treatment of pregnant asylum seekers under Trump's zero-tolerance policy, via Rewire.News.
Check out Tanvi Misra’s reporting on how a new HUD rule could impact thousands of children, from CityLab.
Don’t miss Fernanda Echavarri’s latest coverage of the migrant community in San Antonio, via Mother Jones.
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