Sometimes you have to just give a...well you know...

On this episode we sit down with Gilad Cohen to talk about the Toronto Human Rights Film Festival...

What does it mean to give a sh*t? JAYU is proud to present the 9th annual HUMAN RIGHTS FILM FESTIVAL + (HRFF+), a week-long online presentation of social justice focused art, film, workshops, and more. This groundbreaking film festival is presented in celebration of International Human Rights Month in December, and for the first time will be free of charge. The Festival closes on International Human Rights Day, December 10, with a powerful keynote address by Black Lives Matter core team member Syrus Marcus Ware. HRFF + is streaming online from December 3 to December 10, 2020.

In addition, for the first time ever, HRFF+ has expanded its Festival, and this year will not only feature a slew of thought-provoking and extraordinary human rights based films but also an arts showcase, exhibition, and poetry jam, all centred around Toronto’s youth.

Learn more at

We talk with Gilad about what inspired the festival, the importance of film in creating conversation around social issues and so very much more...