This episode of In The Moment highlights human agents of change—industries, technologies, frameworks of mental health, and an entire generation challenging the status quo. Anya Kamenetz outlines how screens affect our children and how we can shift mobile devices towards positive, safe, and educational uses (1:57); Nadine Burke Harris discusses ways to work together to counteract the negative and widespread effects of adverse childhood experiences (7:23); Jini Palmer interviews Rhonda Aronwald—a communications consultant and audience member at Andrew Keen's event with Alex Stonehill—on the parts of the talk that resonated with her most (12:37). Andrew Keen and Alex Stonehill touch on multiple solutions for fixing the winner-take-all environment the tech industry (14:15); and Steve Scher interviews Shaun Scott about his book on Millennials, who he sees as the most disprivileged generation in American History (19:04). Hosts Jini Palmer and Steve Scher select standout moments from the previous two weeks of events and look forward to the next.