Pacific Northwesterners love to camp. Chances are, at this very moment, someone you know is packing away an impossibly tiny stove and donning a puffy jacket for a weekend away in the mountains. But why— and how— did camping become a recreational pastime? Kicking off a new season of the In the Moment podcast, Erika Lundahl interviews Camping Grounds author Phoebe S.K. Young to explore how camping reflects core American ideals like nature, the nation, and democracy. Young traces camping from the Civil War to modern times, examining how we relate to nature, the nation, and to each other.

Phoebe S.K. Young is an associate professor of history at the University of Colorado Boulder where she teaches and writes about the cultural and environmental history of the modern United States and the American West. She is the author of California Vieja: Culture and Memory in a Modern American Place.

Erika Lundahl (she/they) is an independent journalist, musician and multimedia creator living on traditional Duwamish Land in Seattle, WA. In her writing and music she explores issues of environmental justice, new economy, and human rights. Her work has been featured in publications such as YES! Magazine, Truth-out,, and Humanosphere. She works as a producer of environmental justice impact media campaigns at nonprofit publisher Mountaineers Books and its conservation imprint, Braided River. She also serves on the board of Salish Sea Cooperative Finance, a co-op that refinances student loans. She loves to ride her bicycle. Reach her at

Buy the Book: Camping Grounds: Public Nature in American Life from the Civil War to the Occupy Movement by Phoebe S.K. Young

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