What can we do amidst all the controversies over race and gender in society today? Do we have anything constructive to offer the world?A dangerous and revolutionary philosophy is responsible for the street fires in America. It fuels the actions of Black Lives Matter and Antifa. It invades curricula in public schools and in our military. It is in our churches. You have heard the phrase "white privilege," the need for "safe spaces" on campuses, and perhaps the tongue-twister "intersectionality." Behind all of these is an ideology called critical theory, which is a form of cultural Marxism that divides society into the oppressed and the oppressors. It claims that America is "systemically racist" and founded on slavery. It believes that the voices of the minorities should trump the perspective of the dominant (and oppressing) culture. Unfortunately, this flawed perspective is overtaking our culture and infiltrating many of our churches. Join us today to gain a better understanding of critical theory. See how it is permeating many aspects of society. Discover how it opposes a Christian worldview. Learn how to counter it constructively.