Fighting in the Israel-Hamas war has resumed. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we updated you on the situation in Israel and its determination to put an end to Hamas once and for all. We also shared the clear and sobering message from son of the Hamas co-founder about the true dangers of the organization and its unrelenting pursuit of the destruction of Israel. God teachers come in all shapes, sizes and species. We shared the moving story of a rescued blind and abused horse that once saved taught people what love and trust are really all about. Title IX has encouraged and protected women’s sports for more than 50 years but an effort by this administration is underway to undermine this vital and essential protection by rewriting it to force it to accept gender identity instead of biology as its base. Janet’s daughter appeared before members of Congress this week to testify regarding this dangerous misstep. She joined us to take inside the halls of power to give us a deeper understanding of the meeting and its implications to all of our lives. Unless you are Jewish you probably don’t give much thought to the celebration of Hanukah, often times just considering it an alternative for Christmas. But for believers this special celebration also holds special significance that points us toward the Messiah. It’s time to dig deep once more into more of the headlines of the week as our husband and wife team continue to teach us how to look at the news with wisdom and discernment founded in the guiding truth of God’s word.

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