You are way beyond unhappy. You are miserable. Discouraged. Exhausted. But you stay with your abuser.
Your physical health is being destroyed. Your body is breaking down under the unrelenting stress and pain and trauma. But, you stay with your abuser.
Your emotional health is being destroyed. Your self-esteem and confidence are way down. Your depression and anxiety are way up. But, you stay with your abuser.
Your children are being destroyed. They see abuse as normal and are gradually taking on the characteristics of your abuser. They are losing respect and love for you. But, you stay with your abuser.
Your spiritual health is being destroyed. Your closeness to God is slipping away and you don’t have the energy or motivation to serve Him effectively. But, you stay with your abuser.
You have tried everything to change your abuser: talking to your pastor, talking to a marriage counselor, attending marriage seminars, reading multiple books on marriage, trying to meet your abuser’s needs, praying a million times, crying, pleading… Nothing has worked. But, you stay with your abuser. Join us to learn how to leave when leaving is necessary.