On this week’s episode, I give some advice to a family with two boys gifted in different ways, and I give suggestions on how the parents can help guide them to the right career paths.


My wife says I have been gifted with being able to remember every single thing I’ve ever seen or heard, and I do have one very odd gift that I will display on occasion.

I can listen to someone and repeat almost instantly what they are saying with some of the inflections and barely miss a beat.
My teachers used to say my mouth could run by itself.


Isn't it odd how the same parents can raise children the same way, but they still can turn out so different?

I try to direct my boys toward thinking about the benefits of being brothers.
“You will always have each other, and being different is a good thing. You can fill the empty spaces that the other one has.”


When it comes to picking a career path, take a breath.

When I was twenty, I was living under a pier.
I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be working, but I thought I was supposed to be a veterinarian, then a comedian, then a businessperson, now…
You could probably say about me that I haven’t identified a main career path yet.


For teens and young adults having trouble identifying the direction they want to go in, ask them these questions (if it won’t discourage them):

What is it that you just love, and if money were no object what would you get up and do everyday?
What value does that have for other people?
And when you figure that out, prove it by getting out there and doing it.
If you can do this, you will never be without work again.


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