This week, special guest Dan Miller discusses the bold claims he has made about wisdom, passion, and finances in his new book, Wisdom Meets Passion, with Andy and AT.

Dan’s new book is a “different kind of book”
•    Dan is known as a “career guy,” but this book falls under a different category
•    This book is about finding your passion and building a career around it
•    It compares and contrasts Dan’s perspective with his son’s, who lives in Kenya

The crux of the book is wisdom meets passion
•    They are trying to remind people that we have to have wisdom and passion no matter where we are
•    One without the other is meaningless
•    No matter how old you are, you can discover your wisdom and your passion and how to integrate the two

Andy thinks that the greatest book or product or song that somebody puts out is one where you don’t even have to know who the author or artist is to like it
•    He thinks Ken’s book is one of those cases
•    The book would work extremely well for companies across the country to give to their employees
•    Companies need to understand that the younger generation wants to do something that is close to their heart and is something that they truly care about
•    They don’t necessarily care as much about having a Mercedes in the driveway

Dan and his son, Jared, have very different lifestyles, but they believe in exactly the same things
•    That’s how we need to be as people
•    We don’t need to be at odds with people of different generations, denominations, countries, and cultures
•    If we understand each other’s hearts we will see that we want a lot of the same things, but we let a few ancillary things divide us

The book makes some bold claims, like “never get a job with benefits” and “hourly pay will make you poor”
•    A friend of Ken’s who plays guitar professionally was told by his father to never get a job with benefits
•    The meaning behind it was that safety nets will keep you from really pursuing your passion with everything you have
•    In regard to hourly pay making you poor, Dan says that we shouldn’t listen to the conventional way of thinking that says you get paid a set amount one time every time you fulfill a task
•    Instead, we should look for things that have no ceiling, unlimited upside
•    We should look for something that we can do once and then get paid 10,000 times for it—there are ways to leverage your expertise that open the door to financial benefits most people never even think about

Dan’s book will be released in stores everywhere on August 28. You can pre-order the book now by clicking here. At, they will be introducing some special offers that you can also get.

Questions for Listeners

•    Are you living your passion? If you are, how are you able to do so?
     o    Phone: 1-800-726-ANDY
     o    E-Mail: [email protected]

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