Pierce Marrs, the voiceover for In the Loop, is the guest on this week’s podcast. Pierce is a big part of what has made this podcast successful.


Pierce met Dan Miller (who has also been a guest on the podcast) about four years ago. He met A.T. through Dan.

·      Pierce is the person who first introduced A.T. to Andy’s books.

·      He told A.T. he had to get The Traveler’s Gift.


Pierce has been pretty much on his own since the age of 16 when his parents divorced.

·      Throughout his life, he has encountered “Jones”-like mentors who taught him to make good decisions.

·      Pierce has spent the last few years teaching people sales techniques and how to serve people.

·      He thinks serving people is becoming a lost art in our country.

·      Most people miss the idea that service is the key to success and leadership. It seems like a contradiction to most, but it’s not.

·      We are all in sales, regardless of our profession. We are all trying to get people to buy into something.


Sometimes our worst times become our best times.

·      The pits of our lives exist to make us become something better.

·      If you read about the lives of great people, you will discover that their greatness was born from situations in life they never would have chosen.


“Sales” isn’t about getting someone to buy something.

·      It’s about communicating a thought process to someone.

·      The goal is to put value into people’s lives, regardless of whether money is involved or not.


Pierce has started a new podcast about the television show Shark Tank.

·      The podcast came out of conversations Pierce was having with a high school friend after watching each episode of the show.

·      They discuss communication, sales, and leadership skills based on the concepts from the show.

·      This podcast is a great example of starting a business basically from nothing.


You can find Pierce at MarrsCoaching.com and VoiceFromMarrs.com. Check him out!


Questions for Listeners


·          What are you trying to “sell” to others? What techniques have proven successful?

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