Hi friends, this isn’t an episode but a little podcast community announcement. So being a cooking instructor and running a meal plan service for the last 7 years, I’ve watched a lot of people try to get dinner on the table over the years, and there’s no question that the members who have a system for prepping ahead experience a lot less weeknight stress. And as our commitment to you, our community, and home-cooking, we’re gonna help you develop a meal prep habit! 

Now here are the main details:

The challenge will take place within our Facebook Group. If you’re not a part of it already, request to join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cs.heroes/ or search for Cook Smarts Kitchen Heroes in Facebook. You do have to be a member of our meal plan service to join the group but you can get a free 30 day trial at cooksmarts.com. The challenge will take place between February 10th and 29th.There will be members serving as mentors. There will be lots of tips shared and of course, lots of cheering you on!

And we decided to start this in February because we’ve all calmed down from the New Year resolution pressure and now is the time for true follow-through and commitment. And just like we provided you with a system for keeping your resolutions all year long in our first 2020 episode, this challenge is about applying those tips and also giving you some great community motivation. I’ll see you in our Facebook Group, and I can’t wait to cheer you on and help you create a lasting habit for prepping ahead so you can cook with ease all year long!