Hi friends, this isn’t an episode but a little podcast community announcement. You know how like every other episode I nag you about improving your knife skills? Well, I only do it because you can’t be a confident and efficient cook without having some good knife skills. However, instead of just telling you that you need to do this, we’re gonna actually help you make it happen with our first ever community challenge. 


Our three main goals with this Chop Like a Pro community challenge is to help you:

Improve your kitchen confidence Teach you a life skill that will make such a difference in your cooking experience Save you time in the kitchen


Now here are the main details:

The challenge will take place within our Facebook Group. If you’re not a part of it already, get the link in the episode description (https://www.facebook.com/groups/cs.heroes/) or search for Cook Smarts Kitchen Heroes in Facebook. You do have to be a member of our meal plan service to join the group but you can get a free 30 day trial at cooksmarts.com. The challenge will begin the week of October 14th and last for 4 weeks. While you can join in later, it’s best to start from the beginning because the skills will build on each other. Every week, I will be doing a video lesson in the Facebook group and then assign you some homework to practice the skills discussed in the lesson. You can watch the videos anytime you’re free so it’s not like if you missed it live, you’ve missed the lesson. There will also be PDF downloads and some infographics posted to support your learning too. Plus, we’re tying the lessons into the meal plan menus so you’ll be killing 2 birds with 1 stone -- talk about efficiency, cause that’s just the Cook Smarts way!


So that’s really it. Super simple, right? If all of that sounds good you, make sure you’re in our Facebook Group. You’ll start to see announcements for it soon, and I’m so excited to kick it off the week of October 14th and have you going into the holiday season chopping like a total pro that I know that you are. See you in the Facebook Group!